It Will Inevitably Be Found That The U.S. Government Is Knowingly Denying Its Citizens Their Health By Federal Law

The U.S. Government is most certainly aware of both my son Willy and I.

What Edward Snowden did and taught all of the world assured us of the above.

The U.S. Government therefore knows that nutritional supplements and other natural measures are >>>the Proper Manner to Treat and Cure<< ADHD, PTSD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, sleep disorders, depression and virtually every mental and degenerative illness under the sun.

The U.S. Government also knows that nutritional supplements, electro-medicine and various natural measures are >>>the Proper Manner<<< to gain, retain and recover health from virtually whatever ails one, bar none. (No pharmaceutical drug in the world can stand up to Alternative Medical Truth when it is properly applied.)

The Federal Government is Aware that Alternative Medicine practiced properly represents the Truth, and that drug oriented medicine is a lie. Yet it mandates drugs and drug oriented medicine by law.

Unfortunately, the U.S. Government is so corrupt that the health of the people means nothing, it is Big Pharma’s and Big Medicine’s money (and Mafia pressure that supports Big Pharma) that counts.

The U.S. Federal Government systematically suppresses anything that threatens the medical industry, just as it suppresses anything that threatens any and all conventional energy technologies.

The videos below should be watched by every American, as they represent solid YouTube proof of pervasive and longstanding federal government suppression of free energy technologies.

The first four videos below concern Stan Meyer, an inventor in Ohio that not only invented a water powered car, but invented a way to replace natural gas as well. This brilliant inventor’s ideas could have changed the world, but he was killed before he could bring them to market. This man’s inventions being ignored by the U.S. Government represent a just cause for revolution in America all on their own. All of these inventions were not lost, and could be recreated. There are many YouTube videos regarding Stan Meyer on the Internet. The Google Corporation and the rest of Silicon Valley should back up Stan Meyer’s ideas to the hilt. They should do all that they can to make every American and people the world over aware of this man’s work. If they did this, they would change the world, and corrupt governments would topple, allowing the blossoming of freedom for humanity.

Why is the substantial body of Stan Meyer’s work on YouTube not being used to effect positive change? What are Google and Silicon Valley waiting for? This man’s inventions and brilliant work could easily be the cornerstone to positive change the world over. If Silicon Valley waits too long to use this man’s work to wake up America, either martial law or an EMP attack is going to shut down the Internet for sure. (Incidentally, the same goes for what I know. Even though I seem to have lost Google’s support due to my own stupidity, my body of alternative knowledge is as important and world changing as Stan Meyer’s, assuming I was adequately supported both fiscally and safety-wise before I am killed or the Internet is shut down.)

[more videos coming here in the next few days]

The same thing that is occurring in the free energy arena is occurring in regard to the suppression of any and all significant alternative medical discovery.

What does this mean?

It means a lot of things.

For one it means that all Significant Innovation in America is dead, for it is disallowed by our Federal Government which favors “the Corporations and Their Money”.

It also means that our Federal Government has lost all moral high ground whatsoever.

It means that our democracy is broken.

It means we have no right to interfere with the affairs of other nations and proclaim “a democratic system such as the one we have is the best” when our own domestic affairs are so corrupt and so messed up.

It means that our Federal Government is aware of what is happening on the Internet in regard to the growth of Truth, and that to insure its survival the Federal Government most certainly plans to shut down Internet Freedom in America, as well as Freedom period.

And it means that unless some significant power such as Silicon Valley collectively, or Silicon Valley and the Mafia working together, do not oppose the current Federal Agenda, America is completely doomed, and perhaps millions of Truth Tellers or People that are too Aware will be locked up or killed.

Regardless of how much I may have screwed up by much of what I blogged in February and March of this year, the situation as described in the paragraph above remains the very same.

And regardless of how much I may have screwed up by much of what I blogged in February and March of this year, the Alternative Medical Knowledge and Discoveries I have prolifically blogged about for years are 100% Valid and Still True Today.

Allen Darman




Below is a Picture of My son Willy Darman at about ten and a half years of age, after being on Ritalin for about four years for an ADHD diagnosis and classic bipolar symptoms that began at six years of age. 

At this point in his life Willy was not very happy, and he had both Compromised Mental and Physical Health.

Below is a Picture of My Son Willy taken in February 2008 when he was about seventeen and a half years old, and after he had been applying Nutritional and Natural Therapies >to himself< for about three and a half years. No More ADHD! No More Bipolar Disorder! and No More Weak and Sickly Childhood Health!

What My Son Willy Did Between August of 2004 and February of 2008 Exposed the Hoax of Drug Oriented Medicine, if the Truth Ever Became Known!

Via their monitoring of the Internet in general, and their monitoring of my Internet Activity in particular, the U.S. Federal Government is Fully Aware of my son Willy’s Amazing ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story, but they choose to ignore it in favor of the status quo – drug oriented medicine. 

Willy’s Darman’s ADHD and Bipolar Recovery Story is Another Case of Alternative Medical Suppression by the U.S. Government, one of many over the years.

There is something really wrong with the United States Federal Government… a government that mandates ONLY the use of Pharmaceutical Drugs for all illnesses… even those that are clearly caused by broad essential nutrient deficiency due to one or more common (and correctable) malabsorptive causes.

Sadly, in repeatedly trying to share over the Internet what my son Willy and I learned in regard to how to cure ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia naturally with my Fellow Americans, as many attempts as there have been to kill me since January 2010 I am extremely lucky to still be alive (No Thanks to the U.S. Government, which will not intercede to help me in any way).

Conclusion to this Preface

All Patriotic Americans Need To Learn that Pharmaceutical Medicine is Bankrupting Both the Health and the Wealth of America.  

All Patriotic Americans Also Need to Learn that the U.S. Government is ultimately responsible for the above via the FDA mandate stating “ONLY A DRUG Can Diagnose, Prevent, Treat and/or Cure ALL Diseases”.

All Patriotic Americans Need to Learn that about eight months after my son Willy’s Original Recovery Story was widely disseminated on the Internet in June 2006, the FDA tried to push through a Guidance Document on short public notice that would have Labeled Every Single Nutritional Supplement on the open market “A DRUG”… to be Controlled by Medical Doctors… such that they were no longer available for sale to the general public. 

The Most Basic Human Right, One That Precedes All Others, Is THE RIGHT TO ACHIEVE HUMAN HEALTH Without Governmental Interference.  This Most Basic Human Right is Being Continually Violated by the United States Federal Government, simply To Enrich those persons whose pockets are lined by the hoax of pharmaceutical medicine.

Unless the United States Government Begins To Recognize By Law the Tremendous Therapeutic Power of Nutritional Supplements And Other Natural Measures to Heal, and Begins To Recognize By Law the American Public’s Free Rights of Access to Such instead of mandating pharmaceutical medicine as per Obamacare, a Justifiable Second Revolution in America appears to be “The American Public’s Only Choice”.

Allen D (with heroic help from his WordPress Collaborative Patriot Team)

My WordPress Collaborative Team’s Primary Patriot Website And Its Underlying Sixteen Patriot Websites


Willy’s Five Year ADHD Bipolar Recovery Story (June 2009)

Posted on June 17, 2009

Dear friends:

My son Willy’s original recovery story was widely posted to the Internet in June 2006. A little over a year later, in August 2007, I widely posted “Willy’s Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story” to the Internet as well.

It has been almost two years since “Willy’s Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story” was posted to the Internet. Quite a few significant events have occurred since then.

My goal in this blog is to delineate the above-mentioned events, as Willy continues to progress, and these events represent anecdotal proof of such. These events also represent anecdotal proof in regard to the tremendous therapeutic power of broad based supplementation taken all at once (which I often refer to as “Willy’s Baggie”, and now “Willy’s Baggie II”, which is an improved formula).

For those of you not familiar with Willy’s recovery story, and for those that might wish a brief reminder, the gist of this story is as follows:

Beginning at age thirteen, and with only a little guidance from me (a non-custodial father), Willy began self-applying nutritional supplements and other natural measures to himself in order to overcome his rather serious learning disability (for which he received an ADHD diagnosis, and took Ritalin for about four and a half years). Willy’s academic success (an 89/90 average, with numerous high 90’s New York State Regents Exams test scores over the past three years), and the numerous awards that he has received prove that Willy has come a long way from where he was in the seventh grade (prior to supplementation), a grade in which he still had quite a bit of difficulty in regard to being able to read.

In doing what he did to overcome his learning disability, Willy also profoundly overcame a history of being a weak and sickly child throughout his childhood. Willy’s health, strength, and stamina are nearly that of a world class (Olympic) athlete, as evidenced by a recent VO2max test (explained below), and what he can do with weights.

Willy is now eighteen years old, and he is graduating high school this month.

One event that occurred recently involved an award that Willy received. I had the pleasure of attending the senior award dinner for the high school seniors that attended New Hartford High School in New Hartford, NY on June 3rd, 2009. At this senior award dinner Willy won the award for being the graduate who had “most overcome adversity” in his academic career. This was the first year this particular award was given, to the best of my knowledge. It was apparently created with Willy in mind, and it came with “a much appreciated check attached”. (I deeply appreciate the person or persons involved in doing this for my son. I cannot thank this person, or these persons, enough.)

Another event that occurred recently is rather amazing. This event concerns a VO2max test. The particulars are below.

Willy recently took a VO2max test with a number of other athletes from his high school. On this test he scored 69 ml/kg/min.

To explain a VO2max test for those that are not familiar, according to Wikipedia, VO2 max (also maximal oxygen consumption, maximal oxygen uptake or aerobic capacity) is the maximum capacity of an individual’s body to transport and utilize oxygen during incremental exercise, which reflects the physical fitness of the individual. In sports where endurance is an important component in performance, such as cycling, rowing, cross-country skiing, swimming and running, world-class athletes typically have high VO2 maximums. World-class male athletes, cyclists and cross-country skiers typically exceed 75 ml/kg/min and a rare few may exceed 85 ml/kg/min for men and 70 ml/kg/min for women.

Given the fact that Willy is only eighteen years of age, and the fact that he is more of a weightlifter than anything else, Willy’s score on this test is nothing short of amazing. The persons that administered this test to Willy told him that NO ONE THAT THEY HAD EVER TESTED WITH A BODY TYPE SUCH AS WILLY’S (THAT OF A WEIGHTLIFTER) HAD SCORED SO HIGH ON THIS TEST.

When I saw Willy’s brother Maxwell (Max) recently, I asked him if he had heard about Willy’s VO2max test results. He told me “No”. I told him that Willy beat everyone that went for this test. I also told him that the person that scored closest to Willy was a cross-country runner that scored 65 ml/kg/min. At this point, Willy came in the room. Max asked him who was the cross-country runner that he beat. When Willy told Max who it was, Max immediately said “No way. He’s a state champion” (runner). Even Max was surprised at this. And it takes a lot to surprise Max, believe me.

Weightlifters typically do not score that high on this test. Long distance runners and other forms of endurance athletes do, or are supposed to.

Although Willy is a weightlifter, he admittedly also runs. For years he typically ran for two to four miles at a time as part of his self-imposed training regime. Then he found he could run six miles without becoming excessively tired. And then he found he could run more. About six or seven months ago Willy found that he could run fourteen miles without becoming excessively tired. (He told me “Dad, I found that I just had the energy to run fourteen miles”.) So for the past six or seven months Willy has often run fourteen miles once (or sometimes twice) a week, in addition to all of his shorter runs, and all that he does to regularly train with weights. (Weightlifting is where Willy’s heart lies. The running he does is secondary to this.)

Another event, which occurred recently, is that Willy came very close to bench-pressing 325 lbs. He did so on what he said was “a bad day for him” (he just did not feel “peak”, but wanted to see what he could do that day). Willy got to the very top of the lift of 325 lbs., and decided for the last little bit that it was wise to get a little help, as he was straining so much, and he does not want to risk a career ending shoulder injury.

Willy has been bench-pressing 315 lbs. for quite some time now. He can do two full repetitions at this weight, and almost complete a third. (Willy knows that his maximum for bench pressing is higher than 315 lbs., due to the fact that he can do multiple repetitions of this weight. However, he also knows that if he is too aggressive and tries to go “too far to fast” he can tear his shoulder out, and this ends his competitive lifting career altogether. I could not agree with Willy more in regard to being cautious with bench-pressing such high weights, especially in light of the fact that he only weighs 180 lbs. himself.)

Willy recently showed me that he can lay on the floor, head near a wall, with his hands on the floor on either side of his head, and then can pick his legs up and “keep on going”… such that he is then doing “push ups” against the wall, with his legs suspended in the air. He did 28 of these “wall push-ups” once. Willy tells me that no one that he knows can do as many of these “wall push-ups” as he can, or come even close.

As I reported a few months ago, last fall Willy did one hundred and twenty-two (122) “uphill sit-ups” on an inclined plane with a fifty pound plate on his chest. A person at his health club told him this was either a New York State record or close to it, assuming that the Internet reference that this person found was true. I mention this again here, as it is an event that occurred since Willy’s last recovery story was written in 2007.

Another event that occurred only a matter of a week or so after Willy’s last recovery story was written is rather incredible as well. In mid-August of 2007, Willy’s first year on the football team, soon after football practice began he tore his ACL. This injury involved a full tear, and not a partial one. A full tear of the ACL ligament needs to be operated on for the ACL to reattach to the knee.

This operation was never done, in part due to the fact that Willy healed from this injury so well and so fast. The people treating Willy for this injury were amazed at how well Willy recovered from this serious injury. (Willy reported to me repeatedly that his “Willy’s Baggies” of supplements helped tremendously in regard to healing.) By late September, perhaps five weeks after Willy tore his ACL, he was running miles. In early or mid-October, six or seven weeks after being hurt, Willy told me that he was up to leg pressing 200 lbs. on a repetitive basis (about half of the weight he was doing prior to getting hurt).

Normally, a full ACL tear that is not operated on means the absolute end of one’s football career. Despite both Willy’s football coaches, and the doctor that gave him a physical for football in his senior year, knowing that Willy had a torn ACL, he was allowed to go out for football. Willy fully participated in football practices and played in many of the games, He made it through the season without having any problems with his problematic knee whatsoever. (His team won the Sectional title, a game played in the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, NY.)

For a person in high school to get a full ACL tear injury, not have it operated on (such that the ACL is still unattached), and still be allowed to play football the very next season, is unheard of, to the best of my knowledge. Willy simply carries on as though this injury “never happened”… despite the fact that it did, and the damage was never surgically repaired. If this is not a testament to the power of “Willy’s Baggies” of supplements, I don’t know what is.

Another event that occurred recently is that the health club Willy attends offered him a job as a physical trainer. This is not a job he asked for, it is a job that was offered him due to the knowledge that he has, and he accepted it. Willy has in a sense now become a professional trainer, as he is being paid for what he knows. (Willy has read a number of weightlifting books. He also learned about physical training from his high school coaches and some persons at the health club that he goes to. However, Willy has been “his own trainer” over the years for the most part.)

And lastly, an event of very minor significance compared to the rest, is that Willy is one of only two young men that were asked to pose for the art class in high school, due to their physique, and the fact that the four major muscle groups in their upper legs were so well defined.


I have a great deal to thank Willy for in regard to his insistence at age thirteen “Dad, just put all of the supplements that helped you together, and I will take them all at once” (thus “Willy’s Baggie” of supplements was born). This simple-to-implement approach, along with daily supplementation with probiotics, mealtime supplementation of vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and digestive enzymes, and some allergic food avoidance (especially milk and eggs) has resulted in an absolutely profound change in Willy’s physical and mental health.

Willy’s “combined supplement approach” has also resulted in “a big part of a solid chemical answer” for depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other illnesses being discovered, assuming that the anecdotal evidence generated thus far holds up when being used with other many persons. (I firmly believe that this will be found true some day.)

Willy will be going to college in the fall. He intends on attending a community college in Utica, NY, and then transferring to a four year school. Willy’s goal is to become a high school physics teacher. (This may be a wise career choice in today’s unsound economy. It may also be a wise career choice for anyone that intends to become a parent, as one has “the summer off”.) As a minor, Willy is considering learning how to be a physical trainer, as he is doing this already, and he enjoys “teaching what he knows”.

Who knows what Willy can do in the future if he gains a little more knowledge, and has a little more time? It’s anyone’s guess at this point. I am betting on Willy, as he has certainly shown that he has the discipline and work ethic to achieve even more than he has achieved thus far.

And who knows what Willy can do in the future both athletically and academically if he supplemented with “Willy’s Baggies” of supplements (or “Willy’s Baggie II”, the next generation of our knowledge) every single day, instead of every other day, as he has been doing for years (due to the expense involved).

Regardless of what may happen in the future… Hoorah Willy!!! I am so proud of what you taught your teachers, your fellow students, and “the rest of us” in regard to what can be self-achieved in regard to mental and physical health recovery. Keep up the great work!


Allen Darman

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Introducing the Concept of an Educational Healing House (2007)

Introducing the Concept of an Educational Healing House (2007)


This Blog’s Current Upgrade is Due to Be Completed By Easter 2014 – 4/20/14. ADOGG expects to Improve this blog by then.


What follows is “a Historical Post”.

IT IS HISTORICAL assuming we win this war 4 the truth we are in.

If we lose this war, God Forbid, then History Such As TRUTHS LIKE THOSE IN THIS BLOG Will Get Erased.

It’s up to the Smart Folks in Silicon Valley and the American Mafia to save us.

That Is The Truth.

***Note: Even though this blog could be further improved, the state it is in now is fairly sufficient. Allen D***

Introducing the Concept of an “Educational Healing House”

I’d like to introduce a new healing model to the world.

I believe that this new healing model would far surpass any other, as it is one that teaches you to become “an effective doctor of yourself”.

This healing model is a self-empowering one. It is one that teaches you how to properly care for your own body, from a nutrient, allergic, toxic, and malabsorptive standpoint. These four issues are crucial to many health recoveries, both physical and mental. (As some examples, addressing these four issues adequately can cure depression and bipolar disorder. It can also cure many other psychiatric labels. It can cure things like fibromyalgia, MS, and alcoholism as well.)

Most true healing is simply a matter of education in my mind. The “patient” needs to learn what they need learn to “cure themselves” for the most part. Being taught sure helps vs. one having to learn what all of what needs to be learned totally on their own from scratch (as I did between Sept. 1997 and April 2000 in order to cure myself of bipolar disorder).

I would like to propose the concept of an “educational healing house”… a house where people come “to learn how to become the doctors of themselves” (this primary goal would literally be hung on the front door).

This concept of a self empowering healing house where people can come for a week or two (or more) to learn how to properly apply alternative medicine to their own selves is a new healing model that is sorely needed. We need to be educated in how to take “good chemical care” of ourselves. And we need to be educated in how to properly address nutrient, allergic, toxic, and malabsorptive issues in ourselves as well… as this is what “good chemical care” is all about. (A healing house is simply a school with “supplement trials added at your choice”. It is a place that makes teaching and learning of alternative medicine efficient.)

[This was how my teenage son Willy recovered. He was educated. Verbally I taught him “the fundamentals of chemical care”. Despite his only knowing “these fundamentals of chemical care”, and without reading a single book, Willy became profoundly well from weak and sickly health, an ADHD diagnosis, and classic bipolar symptoms as a child. He did this by “getting enough right chemically” in which to do so. He also did this by assuming full personal responsibility for adequately understanding the chemicals in his own body, what his food allergies were, and how his gut works, such that he could become “an effective doctor of himself”. And amazingly, he did all of this beginning at age thirteen.]

In my opinion, this new educational healing house model that I am proposing, once it is tested, refined, and validated, would result in far more solid recoveries than the obsolete medical model of an allopathic doctor representing (or even implying) that “they are the door though which most healing happens” and “we” are the patient… a patient that has to pay dearly for “spoon fed wisdom” dosed out real slow, and at the rate of about 200 dollars an hour (most doctors make at least this much). This same principle goes for doctors of alternative medicine. Alternative doctors should not be the door though which most healing happens as well, while we sit back and get “treated”. And we don’t need them to “spoon feed” us knowledge either, when we are better off just talking to other people, watching educational videos, and/or reading websites and books.

To recover from serious chemical deficiency, and to recover from serious allergic, toxic, and malabsorptive issues (as virtually all “mental illness” represents), we simply need to learn way too much to pay doctors dearly to orally “spoon feed” us all of the knowledge that we need to know in order to effect wellness on ourselves.

For the same two hundred dollars that I could use to hire a doctor for an hour, I could buy myself a solid little library of a number of good alternative medicine books. These books clearly represent far more wisdom than an hour long chat with anyone I ever met, doctor or not. An hours’ worth of spoken words barely represents a few dozen pages, if even that.

Guidance in learning at a reasonable cost by successful recoveries that “have gone through the program and have learned how to heal themselves” sure seems to be a far superior healing model than that which exists today. And if I am right in this assumption, competent recovered laypersons are likely to become “the true doctors of the future for the most part” (by being health educators that empower people to be the doctor of themselves), with competent alternative doctors covering the remaining issues that such successful recovered laypersons can not cover either competently or well.

Incidentally, for quite some time I have run this idea of an educational healing house by many persons that are familiar with alternative medicine. This empowering concept of an educational healing house that educates persons how to heal themselves by (a) learning about food allergies, candida, and other malabsorptive issues and how to correct for them, (b) performing many supplement trials under guidance, and (c) learning the hows and whys of detoxification and how to detoxify at home, etc. really seems to resonate with a number of persons that are “alternative medicine familiar”.

Although it may take decades as slow as progress can be sometimes, I see the possibility of some sort of “new model educational healing houses” in every major city in the U.S. some day. I say this despite the fact that substantial patient empowerment such as this represents is extremely likely to be fought tooth and nail by both allopathic and alternative medicine alike. Doctors of all sorts are not likely to willingly give up a great deal of their power, prestige, and money, and support such a healing house model, even if they think it would work. They are likely to put up a ton of resistance against “full patient empowerment” such as this.

When I was young, I always thought that “the truth would win”. Unfortunately, there may be a sad ending to this story, as “the truth may not win”. The FDA has proposed three guidance documents this past year (in and of itself, this is a very unusual event). The thrust of these guidance documents is anti-supplement, or supplement controlling in some way. If the FDA, or Codex to follow, takes therapeutic supplements, or takes therapeutic dosages (as they are proposing to both do), out of the hands of the general public, a healing house can never happen.


I am of the opinion that even one educational healing house could quite literally “change the world”, if some of what I know is implemented, and whatever bugs there may be are worked out. I do know that the video anecdotal evidence that I could rather readily generate in regard to the resolution of depression, when put on YouTube, etc., would be a “shot heard the world over”. This same goes for bipolar disorder. I can generate profound recovery stories in a very short time, and these are very likely to be heard if they were videotaped in a “before and after” fashion. Unfortunately I don’t have the means to do this, and therefore I am probably going to have to wait.

I am also of the opinion that the drug industry is aware of me and what I am doing. I believe that they are behind the parties that have continually hacked into computers I am using, in an attempt to slow me down or discredit me. I also think that they understand the implications of the above paragraph. I don’t know how they are going to react, or what else that they may do other than “hack me”, but they are not too happy with me and what I am saying on the net , that’s for sure. They probably realize that I threaten the entire class of antidepressant meds (with Willy’s baggie, etc.), if not much more. (In the summer of 2006 I told Willy that “we may have been honored to be the two people that light the match… the match that is going to light the fire that is going to burn the drug companies to the ground some day”. I still believe this, more than ever… especially in light of the fact that I have seen Willy’s broad based nutrient approach profoundly help a few persons other than us.)

Unfortunately, I got hacked again last night (August 25th, 2007). My being hacked has been repetitive (at least a dozen different incidents) over the past fourteen months, ever since Willy’s recovery story was widely broadcast to the Internet (in June 2006). I was even hacked in a public library more than once in the past year… that’s nuts.

In my mind, “we are in a race” to prove how effective supplements are, before they are legally taken away from us. I am also of the opinion that my ability to treat depression naturally would greatly help to “win this race” for alternative medical understanding, and perhaps help to save our legal access to supplements in doing so.

Lastly, I am a bit disappointed to have not gotten any support for what I have learned (and that would be incredibly helpful to the human race), with one exception (and Thanks! You know who you are).


SmokeMasterAllenD and his heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team!


Note: A before picture of Willy at 10.5 years of age, and an after picture of Willy at 17.5 year of age, can be found on In regard to overcoming ADHD and manic depression naturally Willy has set a course to follow for the entire world. We continue to learn more and more over time.

Email addresses:,,


Notable Quotes

Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own.Carol Burnett

Words, once they become made into a professionally prepared WordPress blog, can effect people all over the World!AllenD

Can Words Make Dreams Come True? I sure hope so! ’cause Words and Hope is All I’ve Got!AllenD

Old Wars Were Fought With Bullets And Bombs *New Wars Will Be Fought With Printed And Spoken Words On The Internet* Humanity Has Finally Progressed!AllenD and his Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Team!

Gary Cooper played the leading role in two movies that are very dear to my heart. The first one was “High Noon” about a bunch of bad guys coming to town, and the townspeople would not stand up for their Marshall… Gary Cooper. This was kind of how I felt for over two years while the Mafia repeatedly tried to kill me (hopefully we have finally made friends), and no one would act in my behalf until some WordPress heroes in San Francisco and Florida finally stood up for me! and later Google, WordPress, Jim Humble, Lesley Carter, Samantha Adams, Dennis Spain, Adam Trombly and many others joined them! The second Gary Cooper movie that is dear to my heart is “Sergeant York”. In this movie Gary Cooper was a reluctant and unassuming hero who would take no money for what he did. However, when he returned to Tennessee and the love of his life after fighting in WWI the state of Tennessee had bought Gary a piece of bottom land and built a house for him on it! I cannot watch this movie without crying at the end, and typing these words I am crying now. What more can I say?Allen Darman

My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living.Anais Nin

My ideas usually come from those first few hits on a freshly loaded bong! I can’t wait to try some of that good Hawaiian weed! with Kale at my side!AllenD




Concepts and Ideas to Cure Depression Naturally (2003)

Concepts and Ideas to Cure Depression Naturally (2003)

Patriot Movement

Internet Educational Course
Dirty Dozen Blog Set
Series One
Blog #10 of 12


The document following this introduction describes what I had discovered years ago in regard to treating depression naturally.

This knowledge was actually generated about three years before the 2003 date reflected on the document below.

I had my first “miraculous correction” of depression by the use of natural therapies in August of 1999. In August 1999 I resolved a two month long severe depressive state in a single day. I did this by the use of a high dose bentonite and psyllium purge, followed a handful of hours later by high dose probiotics and raw vegetable juicing.

Throughout the fall of 1999, I intentionally induced and then corrected at least a dozen states of serious depression using the knowledge I had stumbled into in August. These trials as “a guinea pig for the world” were performed for the purpose of learning, or for the purpose of validation (as best as I could) of what I had already learned.

In February of 2000 I added broad based free form amino acids to what I was already doing to correct depression naturally.

And by April 2000 I had worked out the details of what I was doing to correct depression in myself to the point where I felt obligated to write Dr. Abram Hoffer (the longstanding leader of orthomolular medicine, now retired) and tell him that “I had hit a home run for the whole world”. By this I meant that I knew that I had stumbled into the most advanced understanding on earth of how to correct a state of depression naturally (in most so afflicted).

Unfortunately, Dr. Hoffer could not accept what I had to say in the above regards, such that appropriate action was taken. What I was representing to him, although I knew it to be true, was just too far fetched for him to believe.

Since April 2000, I have intentionally either induced or aggravated perhaps close to a hundred episodes of depression in myself, and then corrected them naturally. My average time of correction of a depressive state in myself is about a half a day (twelve hours). This is true even for depressive episodes that are longstanding (months), or are deep enough to involve suicidal ideation.

For about nine years I have known deep in my heart that I have learned a number of things about the correction of depression that are important for the whole world. I have made repeated efforts to be heard in this regard. However, I have yet to find the colloboration or support that I seek to see that this knowledge moves forward as it should.

What I have learned in helping my son Willy to recover from childhood bipolar disorder improves on what was already a world leading degree of knowledge in regard to how to correct depression naturally. Willy’s baggie of synergistic nutrients represents a substantial improvement to my prior knowledge. I now use baggies to treat depression in myself, in combination with a number of gut correction and dietary measures as discussed in the material below.

I don’t have the computer time to write a new document that contains all that I know of how to correct depression naturally at this point. However, it would not be that hard for someone to take the knowledge in the document below and merge it with knowledge contained in some of my more recent material in regard to my son’s recovery (and his baggie of synergistic nutrients).

In my opinion, the merge of Willy’s baggie with concepts in the material below (and some of my other written work) represents the highest degree of knowledge on the planet in regard to understanding and/or treating depression naturally (in most persons that are so afflicted).

Hopefully, my son Willy’s miraculous health recovery will help the world recognize “the great healing truths” contained in my prior written work. If the world “cannot hear my son” as well, then perhaps some day the world will be able “to hear the man in Ohio” that discovered that what Willy and I were doing to supplement ourselves could rather immediately resolve the schizophrenic symptoms of “hearing voices” and “seeing things”.

I pray that someone in this world with adequate means to effect change will read this material, believe what I am truthfully saying, and then take appropriate action. (I do not have the means to move the truths contained in this blog forward, such that they could help millions of persons, as I know they should.)

Allen Darman

Concepts and Ideas to Treat [or Cure] Depression Naturally (2003)

By Allen Darman

The following material regards the use of amino acids and other natural measures to treat depression. Additionally, it discusses concepts that are often germane to the treatment of a depressive state.

The concepts and approaches suggested in this material certainly do not apply to everyone suffering from depression. However, many of the concepts and approaches discussed below may be germane to many, if not most, persons in a depressed state. These concepts and approaches certainly apply to myself. They have also applied to every one else that I have treated for depression (admittedly only about six persons).

Currently the medical model almost summarily uses various antidepressant medications in to treat depression. Simplistically stated, these medications operate to increase availability of, or the usage of, certain neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin and/or dopamine. They do so to alleviate the symptoms of depression.

Many orthomolecular and naturopathic practitioners and books extol the use of 5HTP or the amino acid tryptophan to order to increase one’s serotonin level, and the use of the amino acids tyrosine, phenylalanine, or both to increase the dopamine level in the brain. They recommend this for the treatment of depression. Certainly, these amino acids, taken along with the necessary vitamin and mineral cofactors, do exactly as intended, which is to increase serotonin or dopamine in one’s brain. And certainly, doing so often substantially alleviates the symptoms of depression.

The substitution of antidepressants that work on the serotonin or dopamine axis with nutrient precursors that do the same represents “an allopathic conceptual approach” to depression.

However, depression, far more often than not, is not simply a lack of serotonin or dopamine or both. This is true even if raising the levels of one or both of these two key neurotransmitters often brings substantial relief to this state of mental and physical dysfunction.

Depression, far more often than not, is a broad deficiency state across most, if not all, of the entire neurotransmitter range, and there are about 100 known neurotransmitters. Once depression is recognized as such, it is profoundly treatable in an amazingly short time.

Incidentally, stress is often blamed for the onset of a depressive state. This fact skews the real truth here. It is simply the fact that stress is very biochemically depleting, and therefore depression is the end result. A depressed person is just not getting enough nutrients in which to deal effectively with stress as a result of malabsorption, an inadequate diet, or both. A nutrient replete person can deal with a rather inordinate amount of stress, even if this stress is felt on a chronic basis. However, as soon as a person under chronic stress falls short in the nutrient department, depression is the inevitable end result. And despite the same stressors being present, as soon as this same person under great stress becomes nutrient replete again, they are no longer depressed in any degree whatsoever. This I know for a fact as a result of hundreds of informal self trials of inducing and then correcting depression in myself within the past four years, and as the result of a great deal of research and other experience.

In my recovery from manic depression, I began to use tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine in mid 1997, with very substantial and positive mood effect. I initially used tryptophan, taurine, and GABA daily for brain inhibition and to assist with sleep (this regime is very similar to what Julia Ross suggests in her book “The Mood Cure”). I also used the key nutrient combination of 500 mg. of L-carnitine in the morning and phosphatidyl choline throughout the day to slow the spontaneous rate of neuronal firing in my brain, an effect that was very similar to lithium. In addition to this, to treat depression in myself I used both tyrosine alone and/or a tyrosine/phenylalanine combination on a fairly regular basis from May 1997 until February 2000. The use of tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine did substantially help me to alleviate depression in myself, and I learned a great deal from the use of these amino acids.

I later found that just increasing my serotonin and dopamine levels, as helpful as this was to my mood and well being for a few years or so, was a rather weak approach to treating depression in both myself and other persons vs. increasing the levels of all of my neurotransmitters all at once.

One must realize that out of the roughly 100 known neurotransmitters, 99 of them are amino acid based, and the key exception here is acetylcholine. Assuming that all of the vitamin and mineral cofactors are present for all neurotransmitters to be produced, the entire amino acid range, choline (or phosphatidyl choline, it’s more active form), and L-carnitine (an often key accessory nutrient) represents precursor loading of the entire neurotransmitter range, for all ostensible purposes.

In February of 2000, I began to experiment with taking broad based amino acids, rather than simply taking a few individual ones to treat depression in myself. Almost immediately, by a process of trial and error, I found that a mixture of two readily available blends of amino acids, along with added tryptophan, carnitine, phosphatidyl choline, and vitamins B complex and C, would boost me out of any degree of depression that I was in and/or keep me out of depression entirely if I took it in adequate quantity often enough.

Specifically, the two blends of amino acids that I am referring to here are Pure Form 20 and WAC blend from After trial and error of a number of Jomar Laboratories blended amino acid products in early 2000, I settled on a 50/50 mix of these two specific blends to affect mood change in myself. [Years after this blog was written I found that a 50/50 mix was not the best mix for many. Most persons do better on a 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 mix, Pure Form always being the larger amount.] These two blends are quite reasonable in cost, reasonable enough for most persons to be able to afford in quantity. Pure Form 20, which is 20 different amino acids, costs only $11.00 for 125 500mg caps, $38.60 for 500 500 mg caps, and $120.60 for 1000 grams (one kilogram) of powder. WAC blend costs only $28.30 for 505 450mg caps. or $88.00 for 1000 grams (one kilogram) of powder. I would commonly get a kilogram of each blend in either powder (the powder does not taste too good! yuck!) or capsule form and take between 30 and 50 grams or more in total of these blends on a daily basis (15 to 25 grams of each blend). To these amino acid blends, I would add some tryptophan, for which I had a prescription, and ALWAYS add carnitine and phosphatidyl choline as well (if I did not add choline I would get a bit of a headache if I took too large a dosage of these two blends). I would also always take vitamins B complex and C at the same time, along with lots of water.

The effect of my using the broad based neurotransmitter precursor approach discussed above on my mood and well being was, and still is, absolutely awesome!, compared to my prior approach of just using tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine in order to effect mood change in myself.

A crucial catch to my taking amino acids and other nutrients orally in order to change my neurotransmitter levels was that I had to be adequately absorptive in my gut for enough nutrients to be absorbed. Being adequately absorptive in the gut is not always the case in a person that is depressed. The reverse here is almost invariably true in myself, i.e. when I have become depressed, I am seriously malabsorptive as well. Depression and a serious degree of malabsorption are nearly synonymous.

As the result of literally hundreds of informal self-trials since late 1997, I have found that the absorptive rate in my intestines could, and often did, vary widely from day to day and week to week,depending on a number of common variables (and I have become very familiar with them all). I have found that a serious degree of malabsorption in myself can be rather readily corrected, once I learned what to do in this regard.

To give the reader a bit better idea here, on a scale of one to ten, I could, and often was, absorbing a degree of “8” one day (good) and a degree of “3” the next (poor), and vice versa. Even a single exposure to a rather small amount of a food that I was allergic to could substantially impair my intestinal absorptive ability for days, assuming that I did not recognize this and intervene. I also learned that if I was bloated in my abdominal area to any significant degree, it meant that I was malabsorptive to some degree… and that the more bloated I was, the more malabsorptive I was as well. In addition, I learned that if I was exposed to a lot of allergic food, that I could quite easily get to the point where I could not even absorb water well, much less almost any nutrients at all, until this situation was resolved. And lastly, I learned how to massively correct my nutrient absorptive rate within a matter of hours.

Once I learned how to correct my nutrient absorptive rate within a matter of hours, I could effect absolutely profound change in my mood and well being a handful of hours after this as well, as I could get a high quantity of essential nutrition into my body. I have found that it does not take the brain that long to build a lot of neurotransmitters, once it has adequate nutrient raw material to work with. Even four or five hours can be extremely significant in this regard.

Once I put the above concepts together, I realized that I had gained complete and profound control of any and all states of depression in myself, as well as I could avoid such states entirely if I so wished to do so. This is a fact that has been true for over three and a half years. It is also a fact that I fully expect will remain so for the rest of my life, as long as I have access to the supplements discussed here (which is sometimes not the case due to inadequate fiscal means).

I can quite literally correct a state of very severe depression with suicidal ideation in myself within a single day. I have intentionally induced and then corrected such a severe state of depression many dozens of times in myself in the past five years within the timeframe specified. I have also corrected well over a hundred states of serious depression that were simply not severe enough to exhibit suicidal ideation during this same period of time as well. These corrections of depression represent a very profound degree of mood change within amazingly short time. They also represent a degree of mood change that no one else in the world is able to perform as quickly as I can in regard to either them self or anyone else, to the best of my knowledge. I am not stating this for any ego need; I am stating this because it is the truth.

Incidentally, for over four years I have tried to find some party involved medical research anywhere in the world that would take a solid look at what I am doing to treat depression in myself to determine its validity, and then determine how applicable what I am doing is in regard to other bipolar persons. As a layman, I am fully aware that my ability to bring forth the many important truths in this document is almost nonexistent. This entire situation is a real shame, for in essence it may mean that a number of truly revolutionary concepts are at a complete standstill in regard to the most effective treatment of a depressed state in the majority of bipolar persons. However, it is my opinion that the seeds of truth represented here will eventually move forward, even if it takes decades in which to do so. These seeds of truth are just much too valid and far too important to be ignored forever, even if their primary discoverer was a layperson that had a history of mental illness.

A number of realizations came about as the result of my performing the above on myself on a repetitive basis over the past four years, as well as my treatment of a few other persons.

One realization that I had, and clearly the most important, was that the human brain is far more protein dependent than most persons realize. Everyone knows that their muscles need protein, but few know that that their brain, as small as it is, probably needs, uses, and uses up more protein that all of their muscles put together, despite the fact that their muscle mass is far greater than their brain mass.

A second realization that I had is that it is often very helpful conceptually to think of a state of depression as just a protein deficient state that has “tripped over to the point of body and brain dysfunction”.

The third realization that I had is that when the above occurs (a state of protein deficiency that has gone too far), it is extremely common for a person to crave “cheat fuels” such as sugar or alcohol, rather than protein, which is what they really need. Cheat fuels only make things worse, not better. Often, just the simple measure of eating a large piece of broiled fish instead of getting that box of ice cream or that bottle of vodka when you first sink into a state of depression represents very powerful and effective chemical intervention. This measure is even much more effective when a powerful digestive enzyme such as DigestEnz is used to assist in the protein breakdown of protein foods. EVERY depressed person should be using such a digestive enzyme at every single meal when they are depressed.

The fourth realization that I had, and one of the many reasons for this post, was that I realized that the common naturopathic approach of using the amino acids of tryptophan (or 5HTP), tyrosine, and phenylalanine to treat depression was a flawed conceptual approach that was probably the result of copying the medical model approach to depression (which is simply monkeying with serotonin and dopamine levels in order to alleviate depression, for the most part).

The fifth realization that I had was that I found that other persons responded to the amino acid blends of Pure Form 20 and WAC in dosages that were often much different than that which I often needed. I found that some depressed persons responded quite well to as little as eight grams total (four grams of each blend) of the two amino acid blends I was using, some responded quite well to fifteen grams total of these blends, and for some persons fifteen grams total was way too much, etc.

The sixth realization that I had was that if these amino acid blends were taken in dosages that were too high for one’s biochemistry at the moment, that they could quite easily become hypomanic or manic on these blends, similar to a bipolar person taking too much tyrosine, phenylalanine, or aspartic acid at once. One ALWAYS needs to “slowly dose up” with these blends, being cautious to not become too manic if they are bipolar (or even if they are “normal”), the same as when they are taking tyrosine or other excitatory amino acids. Another idea that might help here is to add some taurine to these two blends, as taurine is almost always inhibitory, such that the resultant mixture might be more balanced in regard to excitation and inhibition.

The seventh realization that I had in taking these two blends and the additional nutrients that I mentioned, was that the hair on my head grew in both thicker and faster and that the muscles on my arms and legs both grew noticeably and became firmer, despite the fact that I was not exercising at all. These were both unexpected side effects, and most welcome ones.

Protein, in the form of free from amino acids, enormously helps me, both physically and mentally. Protein, in the form of steak, fish, etc. also helps me greatly, but not nearly as much or as fast as free form amino acids do. This appears to be true even though I have recognized and treated a severe deficiency of HCL (stomach acid) in myself. I need, and I take, as many as 20 to 25 625mg. HCL capsules when I eat a large meal, and 7 or 8 capsules of HCL for even a single small can of tuna fish. Digestive enzymes do help my mood and well being when I eat high protein foods as well, due to the fact that they break this protein down better such that it can be absorbed into the body. However, the use of digestive enzymes coupled with eating protein foods does not help me nearly as much as when I am severely depressed as the taking of amino acids as I am suggesting here does.

The eighth realization that I had, a realization that came a bit later than those above, is that it is ALWAYS wise to add fish oil and the other “good oils” to one’s regime when they taking high dosage free form amino acids such as I am suggesting here. Don’t neglect these good oils when you are using amino acids, and try to take some the same day. The brain is 60% fat, and fat is clearly important to its proper function.

The ninth realization that I had is that correcting floral status in the gut is often CRUCIAL to the correction of a state of depression. “Good bacteria” in my gut does seem to help me substantially when I eat high protein foods. Adequate good gut bacteria appear to me to play a key role in protein utilization for reasons that are unclear to me at this time (I use the probiotic powdered Primal Defense for this).

The tenth realization that I had is that the repetitive juicing of raw organic non-allergic vegetables ought to always be used to treat a depressive state (and eat some of the fiber as well, don’t throw it all out). Juicing is mineralizing, it is alkalizing, it is “gut healing”, it does not need either digestive enzymes or HCL to help someone tremendously (even if they are in deficient in these secretions), and it contains a powerful array of essential and easily absorbed nutrients.

The eleventh realization that I had is that alternative medicine is close to putting together an intervention for depression that would be so powerful and so fast acting in enough persons that it could revolutionize the treatment of depression worldwide in a matter of a few short years. Unfortunately, they just do not realize this at all yet, despite my stating this to many persons in this movement for the last few years. Alternative medicine did teach me most of the puzzle pieces reflected in this material. Alternative medicine just has not coupled these pieces together well such that they can generate the amazing results that I know from a great deal of experience are possible. In my opinion, it is only a matter of time before alternative medicine does couple these puzzle pieces together. As a result of what I know, I am morally obligated to do all that I can for the rest of my life to be a catalyst in this event occurring.

Nothing that I have done (and I have tried much) has done more for me both physically and mentally than adequately correcting my gut absorptive status (within a matter of hours) and taking the free form amino acid blends and the necessary added nutrients that I have mentioned here have done for me, both mood-wise and otherwise, or is even close. These necessary added nutrients I am speaking of here are tryptophan, phosphatidyl choline, carnitine, EFA’s, and the entire vitamin and mineral range for the most part.

Quite obviously, the use of an amino acid such as glutamine can increase one’s intestinal absorptive rate substantially. Therefore some dosage adjustment may need to be made when preceding the use of broad based amino acids an hour or two before with glutamine. The use of glutamine to heal the gut and increase absorption in a person that is depressed is perhaps always wise trial intervention. However, the use of glutamine, as it increases absorption, will cause difficulties if the issue of hidden food allergy has not been properly dealt with. Glutamine can, and often does, result in greater absorption of food allergens, at least temporarily.

Much less obvious than the above, if not quite rarely known, is that the usage of a high dosage bentonite/psyllium/water combination prior to taking glutamine can “unblock” a number of common problematic issues in the intestine within a matter of hours, and thus allow one to substantially increase their nutrient absorption rate as well (assuming the use of such a combination is not contraindicated for some reason). High dosage bentonite/psyllium/water acts as a “gooey sticky plug” that travels down the intestines, cleaning out a number of common problematic issues as it does so. This “gooey sticky plug” can, and does, very effectively remove yeast, many “bad bugs”, undigested food, allergic food residue, excess mucous, etc. from the gut. In the proper dosage for one’s gut size and gut status, high dosage bentonite/psyllium/water is a gut cleansing routine that is unparalleled, in my opinion. However, if there is any bleeding in the stomach or intestines, any ulceration, any serious gut abnormality, any allergy to psyllium, any severe constipation, and/or any stricture (see Bernard Jensen’s “Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management”) in the gut, the use of such a gut cleansing routine may be contraindicated.

When I take a high dose of bentonite/psyllium/water to purge my gut, I know that I am going to need to replace my good bacteria as well. I have found that if I only wait 4 to 6 hours after taking a very high dose of bentonite, etc. that I can take an unusually high dose of a good probiotic and experience no serious die off reaction whatsoever, despite the fact I was high in candida and/or bad bacteria before I took this cleansing routine. It took me years of playing with this stuff to really know what I needed to do here, and what dosages, etc. worked well for me.

I have also found that if I waited until the next day before I took a high dose probiotic after gut cleansing, that I would get a pretty serious die off reaction (I reach for high dose vitamin C and lots of water on a repetitive basis when this happens, and it helps enormously). Apparently, candida and bad bacteria proliferate very quickly in the gut (I once saw a reference stating that candida can double in 20 minutes in the gut, and my feeling here is that bad bacteria can proliferate very quickly as well).

The keys to do the therapy that I am suggesting here effectively are both proper timing and proper dosage of the substances taken, or for someone to at least be in “the right ballpark” in these regards. However, there is some latitude for error here, and this latitude is sometimes quite substantial.

It took me quite some time to work all of the above out in myself. This was because I was in entirely new and uncharted territory in regard to many of the concepts and substances used, as well as the dosages of these substances. The effort I made here was well worth it. I gained a profound degree of control over depression in myself, after having regularly suffered recurrently from depression and severe depression for over thirty-five years. It also appears likely to me that what I am doing to treat depression in myself may ultimately represent a very important breakthrough in the understanding and treatment of depression the world over. And yes, I am fully aware that the aforementioned, despite it most probably being the truth, is perhaps still a decade or two away from being realized, if not longer. This long delay is due in part to the fact that there is very little motivation by the current medical model to replace their current treatment methodology of using anti-depressive medication to treat depression, as well as there is a great deal of fiscal and other motivation for them not to do so. This delay is also due to the fact that there is not anywhere in the world at the current time for a bipolar person “to go be heard by medical research” if and/or when this person discovers something of substantial importance about his or her illness.

I do suggest that if you are a practitioner using amino acids to treat depression, that you consider using ideas similar to that which I suggest here vs.simply just using tyrosine, phenylalanine, or a combination of both to treat depression in a person. In my opinion, simply suggesting tyrosine and phenylalanine for the treatment of depression is quite outdated, despite the fact that it is still recommended by some persons in the alternative health movement. However, this is a very simple approach, and it often gives enough results to get the patient far more interested in using amino acids and other nutrients to correct depression. Perhaps these are its greatest values.

I do suggest using great caution in the beginning in regard to the dosages recommended, as well as getting the patient fully involved in this issue of dosage from day one. The lines “I can give you a great deal of help steering you in the right direction as far as what nutritional substances to use to effect profound mood change in yourself, but only you can determine the proper dosage for your biochemistry” and “dose up slowly, monitoring the effect in yourself, being cautious to not take too much that you become manic” puts the burden of “what is the proper dosage?” on the patient, where it should ALWAYS lie anyway.

I also cannot recommend enough that if you are using excitatory amino acids with your patients that you first assist them in defining an effective inhibitory nutrient regime for themselves before using any excitatory nutrients whatsoever. This takes a huge amount of the risk out of the above excitatory nutrient regime in regard to it’s making someone too manic, as an answer will already be in place for this. This should really be a must. I refuse to teach any person how to use excitatory nutrients until they learn how to use inhibitory ones, ESPECIALLY if they are bipolar.

In addition, I highly suggest that before any practitioner recommends the above to other persons, that they personally experiment with this regime themselves. A single bottle of 500 caps each of Pure Form 20 and WAC blend costs a total of only $66.90 plus shipping, and tryptophan, carnitine, phosphatidyl choline and the other necessary cofactors will not break anyone’s piggy bank. This stuff will not hurt a “normal person”, and it could teach them a great deal about what amino acid therapy is truly all about.

Never forget the two most common causes of recurrent depression in anyone. These are the issues of the likelihood of multiple hidden food allergies and the likelihood of intestinal dysbiosis. Usually when some one has one of these problems, they almost always have the other as well. These two common problematic issues always ought to always be assessed and/or addressed in any person that suffers from either bipolar disorder or recurrent depression. A possible lack of digestive enzymes and stomach acid ought to be always be assessed and/or addressed in this population as well, especially if the person in question is over 40 years of age.

Lastly, I am not representing that a 50/50 mix of Pure Form 20 and WAC blend from along with added tryptophan is an ideal amino acid blend for the treatment of depression or anything else. It is simply the best and most affordable amino acid mixture that I have found to date, without someone being priced out of the market if they are taking this stuff regularly in the dosages that I am suggesting here. I am quite sure that, at some point in the future, someone is going to develop a better, more balanced, and perhaps equally affordable broad based amino acid mixture for the treatment of depression than that which I have proposed here.

Allen Darman

[After the above document was written in 2003, I continued to learn more. In 2004, I learned that some persons respond better to a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of Purform to WAC blend vs. the 1:1 ratio suggested in the above material. In 2004, I learned from my son Willy that it was far better to combine a wide range of nutrient and supplemental co-factors with broad based free form amino acids, and “take them all at once”, to achieve the greatest healing effect. In 2004, 2006, 2007, and 2009, I learned a good deal more in regard to adding other individual amino acids and other supplements to that which I was doing prior. In essence, as knowledge grew from the above document in regard to depression that was written in 2003, first “Willy’s Baggie”, and then “Willy’s Baggie II” were born.]


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Internet Educational Course
Dirty Dozen Blog Set
Series One
Blog #10 of 12


Depression, far more often than not, is a broad deficiency state across most, if not all, of the entire neurotransmitter range, and there are about 100 known neurotransmitters. Once depression is recognized as such, it is profoundly treatable in an amazingly short time.

Incidentally, stress is often blamed for the onset of a depressive state. This fact skews the real truth here. It is simply the fact that stress is very biochemically depleting, and therefore depression is the end result. A depressed person is just not getting enough nutrients in which to deal effectively with stress as a result of malabsorption, an inadequate diet, or both. A nutrient replete person can deal with a rather inordinate amount of stress, even if this stress is felt on a chronic basis. However, as soon as a person under chronic stress falls short in the nutrient department, depression is the inevitable end result. And despite the same stressors being present, as soon as this same person under great stress becomes nutrient replete again, they are no longer depressed in any degree whatsoever. This I know for a fact as a result of hundreds of informal self trials of inducing and then correcting depression in myself within the past four years, and as the result of a great deal of research and other experience.


This Blog’s Current Upgrade is Due to Be Completed By Easter 2014 – 4/20/14. ADOGG expects to Improve this blog by then.


I like the #2 Choice that Facebook Made in regard to my Facebook Wall Year In Review for 2013.

The “Introducing the Concept of a Healing House” Blog was quite popular when it was first circulated in Yahoo Groups and other places on the Internet in 2007.

“The Trilogy Idea” that—>

(a) One Should Take Responsibility for His or Her Own Health,

(b) Be HONESTLY, Thoroughly and Properly Educated >>>In Layman’s Terms<<< How To Do So, and

(c) Have Access To The Entire Nutritional Supplement Range that my son Willy and/or I did (Willy’s Original Baggie and/or Willy’s Baggie ii, plus probiotics taken separately.) —>

Is A Enormous Threat To The Powers That Be, to include Pharmaceutical Medicine Worldwide, the U.S. Federal Government and any Other Federal Government Worldwide that Backs PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICINE by Law.



The picture above shows my eldest son Willy Darman at about seventeen and a half years old >>>after he applied a wide range of Nutritional and Natural Supplements to himself for three and a half years<<<, and he used a few simple lessons that I taught him verbally, and used a little of his own Common Sense.

What My Son Willy Did Between August of 2004 and February of 2008 Exposed the Enormous Hoax of Drug Oriented Medicine!, if the Truth Ever Became Known! No More ADHD! No More Bipolar Disorder! and No More Weak and Sickly Childhood Health!

The Picture below shows my eldest son Willy’s Health at the hands of conventional medicine. This picture represents my son Willy at about ten and a half years of age, after being on Ritalin for about four years for an ADHD diagnosis and classic bipolar symptoms. At this point in his life Willy was not very happy, and he had Both Seriously Compromised Mental and Physical Health.

Essentially I taught Willy verbally >>the Basic Facts that He Needed To Know<<
In Order to Become >>>An Effective Doctor of Himself<<<, and
>>>I also gave Willy the Supplement Tools<<< that he needed to do so.
Willy did the rest!

[Notes: Most of The Ideas Below were first Published to the Internet on a discontinued blogging platform called Yahoo 360 in the summer of 2007.  The copy below is in the process of being Upgraded beginning on JAN 4, 2014.  The material below will be worked on for a few days or so.  It’s a Miracle that I am still Alive to write these words, and that I have the Time to Begin to Upgrade the Material Below.  I Have So Many Persons to Thank for this.  You All Know Who You Are!  (((Thanks So Much!!! 4 Your Support In One Way Or Another!))) Allen D]


Dear Fellow Americans and Citizens of the World:

Most of the copy below was written in the summer of 2007, over two years before the first OF MANY attempts on my life. Please take this in mind when reading this blog.

I’d like to introduce a New Healing Model to the world.

I believe that this new healing model would far surpass any other,as it is one that teaches you to become “an effective doctor of yourself”.

This New Healing Model is a self-empowering one.

It is Self-Empowering because it is one that teaches you how to properly care for your own body, from a—>

(1) Nutrient Sufficiency standpoint (no American that eats the Standard American Diet is Not Broadly Essential Nutrient Deficient),

(2) Allergic And Hidden Allergic Foods Exposure Reduction standpoint (hidden food allergies are rampant in America due to GMO foods and for other reasons as well),

(3) Toxic Exposure Reduction standpoint, to Include Toxins that are Internally Generated inside you (we all have toxins, and can learn how to partially or fully detoxify ourselves),

(4) Bad Biology Reduction standpoint (we all have bad biology in ourselves, and we can learn how to greatly reduce it or clear it out entirely),


(5) Malabsorption standpoint.

Malabsorption means that you are pooping out too many of the nutrients in the food you eat, due to “something being amiss” in your gastrointestinal tract.

This “something that is amiss” is something that you yourself can both identify and fix, without needing the services of any doctor whatsoever.

A Doctor Would Be Counterproductive To The Equation in Regard To The Resolution of All Of The Above Mentioned Five Issues. (The exception here is a doctor that teaches you to be “a doctor of yourself”.)

This is Stuff that You Need To Learn For Yourself, Just Like My 13 Year Old Son Willy first did in late July 2004.

As Some Examples of the Above, addressing these five issues adequately—>

Can cure and/or control autism, depression, ADHD, PTSD, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Addressing these five issues can cure and/or control many other psychiatric labels—>

In fact, the entire DSM is correctable via nutritional and other natural means.

Addressing these five issues can cure and/or control things like fibromyalgia, MS, and alcoholism as well.

These Five Issues of Nutrients, Allergens, Toxins, Bad Biology and Malabsorption ARE CRUCIAL TO ALL HEALTH RECOVERIES, bar none.

This includes physical, mental, addictive, wound healing and anti-aging recoveries.

These Five Issues of Nutrients, Allergens, Toxins, Bad Biology and Malabsorption ARE CRUCIAL TO GAINING, RETAINING, AND/OR RECOVERING HUMAN HEALTH.

[Many persons that are compromised that read the above may feel overwhelmed.

A person that is seriously compromised from a nutrient, allergic, toxic, bad biological and malabsorption standpoint is “in no shape to learn new things”.

The Good News Here is that my son Willy and I accidentally stumbled on to a broad spectrum nutritional supplement protocol beginning in July 2004 that “WILL GET SOMEONE’S BRAIN TO WORK MUCH BETTER” WITHOUT DOING MUCH ELSE other than some gut cleansing measures and some simple allergic food avoidance measures perhaps.  We call this broad spectrum nutritional supplement protocol Willy’s Baggie or Willy’s Baggie ii.  Unfortunately, it is extremely likely one or more of Willy’s Baggie sources has been corrupted such that Willy’s Baggies no longer work like they used to.  This Broad Spectrum Supplement Idea HAD TO BE STOPPED as Far As Its Therapeutic Effectiveness,  or Pharmaceutical Medicine would have fallen to the Truth. ]

Most true healing is simply a matter of education in my mind. The “patient” needs to learn what they need learn to “cure themselves” for the most part. Being taught sure helps vs. one having to learn what all of what needs to be learned totally on their own from scratch (as I did between Sept. 1997 and April 2000 in order to cure myself of bipolar disorder).

I would like to propose the concept of an “educational healing house”… a house where people come “to learn how to become the doctors of themselves” (this primary goal would literally be hung on the front door).

This concept of a self empowering healing house where people can come for a week or two (or more) to learn how to properly apply alternative medicine to their own selves is a new healing model that is sorely needed.

We need to be educated in how to take “good chemical care” of ourselves.

And we need to be educated in how to properly address nutrient, allergic, toxic, bad biological and malabsorption issues in ourselves as well… as this is what “good chemical care” is all about.

A healing house is simply a school with “supplement trials added at your choice”.

It is a place that makes teaching and learning of SELF APPLIED alternative medicine efficient.

This was how my teenage son Willy recovered.

He was educated.

Verbally I taught him “the fundamentals of chemical care”.

Despite his only knowing “these fundamentals of chemical care”, and without reading a single book, Willy became profoundly well from weak and sickly health, an ADHD diagnosis, and classic bipolar symptoms as a child.

He did this by “getting enough right chemically” in which to do so.

He also did this by assuming full personal responsibility for adequately understanding the chemicals in his own body, what his food allergies were, and how his gut works, such that he could become “an effective doctor of himself”.

And amazingly, he did all of this beginning at age thirteen years and eleven months old.

In my opinion, this new educational healing house model that I am proposing, once it is tested, refined, and validated, would result in far more solid recoveries than the obsolete medical model of an allopathic doctor representing (or even implying) that “they are the door though which most healing happens” and “we” are the patient… a patient that has to pay dearly for “spoon fed wisdom” dosed out real slow, and at the rate of about 200 dollars an hour (most doctors make at least this much).

This same principle goes for doctors of alternative medicine.

Alternative doctors should not be the door though which most healing happens as well, while we sit back and get “treated”.

We don’t need them to “spoon feed” us knowledge either, when we are better off just talking to other people, watching educational videos, and/or reading websites and books.

To recover from serious chemical deficiency, and to recover from serious allergic, toxic, bad biological and malabsorptive issues (as virtually all “mental illness” represents), we simply need to learn way too much to pay doctors dearly to orally “spoon feed” us all of the knowledge that we need to know in order to effect wellness on ourselves.

For the same two hundred dollars that I could use to hire a doctor for an hour, I could buy myself a solid little library of a number of good alternative medicine books.

These books clearly represent far more wisdom than an hour long chat with anyone I ever met, doctor or not.

An hours’ worth of spoken words barely represents a few dozen pages, if even that.

Guidance in learning at a reasonable cost by successful recoveries that “have gone through the program and have learned how to heal themselves” sure seems to be a far superior healing model than that which exists today.

If I am right in the above assumption, competent recovered laypersons are likely to become “the true doctors of the future for the most part” (by being health educators that empower people to be the doctor of themselves), with competent alternative doctors covering the remaining issues that such successful recovered laypersons can not cover either competently or well.

Incidentally, for quite some time I have run this idea of an educational healing house by many persons that are familiar with alternative medicine.

This empowering concept of an educational healing house that educates persons how to heal themselves by (a) learning about food allergies, candida, and other malabsorptive issues and how to correct for them, (b) performing many supplement trials under guidance, (c) learning the hows and whys of detoxification and how to detoxify at home, etc. and (d) learning how to clear bad biology out of ourselves really seems to resonate with a number of persons that are “alternative medicine familiar”.

Although it may take decades as slow as progress can be sometimes, I see the possibility of some sort of “new model educational healing houses” in every major city in the U.S. some day.

I say this despite the fact that substantial patient empowerment such as this represents is extremely likely to be fought tooth and nail by both allopathic and alternative medicine alike.

Doctors of all sorts are not likely to willingly give up a great deal of their power, prestige, and money, and support such a healing house model, even if they think it would work.

They are likely to put up a ton of resistance against “full patient empowerment” such as this.

When I was young, I always thought that “the truth would win”.

Unfortunately, there may be a sad ending to this story, as “the truth may not win”.

The FDA has proposed three guidance documents this past year (in and of itself, this is a very unusual event).

The thrust of these guidance documents is anti-supplement, or supplement controlling in some way.

If the FDA, or Codex to follow, takes therapeutic supplements, or takes therapeutic dosages (as they are proposing to both do), out of the hands of the general public, a healing house can never happen.


I am of the opinion that even one educational healing house could quite literally “change the world”, if some of what I know is implemented, and whatever bugs there may be are worked out.

I do know that the video anecdotal evidence that I could rather readily generate in regard to the resolution of depression, when put on YouTube, etc., would be a “shot heard the world over”.

This same goes for bipolar disorder.

I can generate profound recovery stories in a very short time, and these are very likely to be heard around the world if they were videotaped in a “before and after” fashion.

Unfortunately I don’t have the means to do this, and therefore I am probably going to have to wait. [Lack of adequate means continues to hamper me today.  I have had extraordinary difficulty raising money to do what needs to be done for over a decade now.]

I am also of the opinion that the drug industry is aware of me and what I am doing.

I believe that they are behind the parties that have continually hacked into computers I am using, in an attempt to slow me down or discredit me. I also think that they understand the implications of the above paragraph. I don’t know how they are going to react, or what else that they may do other than “hack me”, but they are not too happy with me and what I am saying on the net , that’s for sure. They probably realize that I threaten the entire class of antidepressant meds (with Willy’s baggie, etc.), if not much more. (In the summer of 2006 I told Willy that “we may have been honored to be the two people that light the match… the match that is going to light the fire that is going to burn the drug companies to the ground some day”. I still believe this, more than ever… especially in light of the fact that I have seen Willy’s broad based nutrient approach profoundly help a few persons other than us.)

Unfortunately, I got hacked again last night (August 25th, 2007). My being hacked has been repetitive (at least a dozen different incidents) over the past fourteen months, ever since Willy’s recovery story was widely broadcast to the Internet (in June 2006). I was even hacked in a public library more than once in the past year… that’s nuts.

In my mind, “we are in a race” to prove how effective supplements are, before they are legally taken away from us. I am also of the opinion that my ability to treat depression naturally would greatly help to “win this race” for alternative medical understanding, and perhaps help to save our legal access to supplements in doing so.

I am a bit disappointed to have not gotten any support for what I have learned (and that would be incredibly helpful to the human race), with one exception (and Thanks! You know who you are).

[I have gotten a lot of help from many people since the above paragraph was written in 2007.  Some of this help was, and still is, heroic.]


Allen Darman


This material was prepared by Allen D with critical help from a heroic WordPress Expert in Florida Named Mark J and

Has Received Heroic Help from our

San Francisco Hippie Gang of

WordPressWarriors for the Truth!

It is likely FedGOV hackers will interfere with this link>



Internment Camps Returning to America? S.C. Justice says “Believe It” #n3

Charlie Mcgrath Charlie Mcgrath·1,055 videos


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Published on Feb 10, 2014

A GREAT!!! SONG!> “Seven Bridges Road”…By The Eagles

HEY, CHARLIE! do u wanna walk across a few bridges with us?

Charlie, let’s have some iROCK AND iROLL and FedGOV/INTERNET/ROAST/fun!





The picture above shows my eldest son Willy Darman at about seventeen and a half years old >>>after he applied a wide range of Nutritional and Natural Supplements to himself for three and a half years<<<, and he used a few simple lessons that I taught him verbally, and used a little of his own Common Sense.

What My Son Willy Did Between August of 2004 and February of 2008 Exposed the Enormous Hoax of Drug Oriented Medicine!, if the Truth Ever Became Known! No More ADHD! No More Bipolar Disorder! and No More Weak and Sickly Childhood Health!

The Picture below shows my eldest son Willy’s Health at the hands of conventional medicine. This picture represents my son Willy at about ten and a half years of age, after being on Ritalin for about four years for an ADHD diagnosis and classic bipolar symptoms. At this point in his life Willy was not very happy, and he had Both Seriously Compromised Mental and Physical Health.

Essentially I taught Willy verbally >>the Basic Facts that He Needed To Know<<
In Order to Become >>>An Effective Doctor of Himself<<<, and
>>>I also gave Willy the Supplement Tools<<< that he needed to do so.
Willy did the rest!



I started my War on the Internet Against the Hoax of Pharmaceutical Medicine and Other Powers that Be in the Summer of the year 2000. It was pretty scary for me in the beginning, for I knew that people were Inevitably Going To Be Sent To Kill Me. After almost four years of surviving about a dozen “killing episodes” involving perhaps three dozen individual hit attempts, I have lost all of my fears completely.

Although I Will Always Be Cautious For The Rest Of My Life, I am done being scared.

If Internet Martyrdom is my ultimate fate, at this point a good portion of the upper echelon of Silicon Valley has heard, and will remember, what I have said and done.

Should it occur, I know that they will not let my Internet Martyrdom go unanswered.

Thank Many Smart and Moral People at Google and Facebook,

Thank the company underlying WordPress called Automattic,

Thank a true American hero named Mark J in Florida that Stood Up 4 Me in April 2012,

Thank Some Anonymous WordPress heroes in San Francisco that were the First 2 Stand Up 4 Me on April 9, 2012, and—>

Thank God—> that I have survived the storm of multiple hit attempts, and finally have made it to San Francisco CA/Reno NV unscathed—>

In Order To Be—>

A Catalyst—>

In Starting the 1st Internet Woodstock Worldwide—>

iWOODSTOCK-2014 IS a Historic Event that will Free the Human Race from Quite a Few Very Big Lies!

My first WordPress Website, and my Sole WordPress Website from July 2009 until April 2012,  was (NOW as of 12/2013). was Originally a WordPress Website in regard to overcoming mental illness via the use of natural and non-drug means.
It was essentially the story of my overcoming over three decades of bipolar symptoms in the late 1990′s, and then teaching my son Willy Darman how to overcome an ADHD diagnosis and bipolar symptoms beginning when he was thirteen years old in 2004.
The Search for a Cure for ADHD and bipolar disorder ended! with my son Willy Darman and I.
We Co-Discovered these Cures for the World!
I had already found most of the proper chemical manner to correct bipolar disorder from a chemical standpoint before 2004.
My son Willy Darman found “the last key idea” that was needed “to do the job right”.
Willy hit a home run for the World when he came up with the Idea of “Willy’s Baggies” (of a wide range of adequately balanced nutritional and natural supplements “taken all at once”).
And then Willy **Proved To The World The Validity Of What He Had Discovered** in his own personal Amazing Recovery from ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and a History of Sickly Childhood Health.

Since the WordPress Blog Titled “The gist of” was written On July, 12, 2010, (now has become a rather Massive Website of over 3,000 blogs.

In undergoing this Growth, has greatly expanded its Original Scope of Overcoming Mental Illnesses Naturally via natural non-drug means.

When “The gist of” was written I had already undergone two attempts on my life.  

The first attempt was a singular one involving a team of two people that were sent to my motel to Atlantic City in early January 2010 in an attempt to “make me disappear like Jimmy Hoffa did”.  

This attempt occurred just after a Health Freedom Conference was held in northern NJ.  

At this Health Freedom Conference put on by Dr. Rima Laibow of the Natural Solutions Foundation I had connected with a conventional medical doctor that practiced in Manhattan.  

This doctor expressed a strong desire and willingness to work with me and see if what my son Willy and I had discovered would help his patients suffering from depression.  

The second attempt on my life occurred in late May of 2010, just after I wrote a landmark WordPress Blog titled “A Tribute To Bob Beck; A World Class Healer” on May 21, 2010.  

This attempt was multiple in nature and occurred over 8 to 10 days time.  

It involved repeated attempts to gain entry under false pretenses to a 14th floor apartment that I was renting in Utica, NY at the time.  

If I had made one single mistake in opening the door to persons unknown to me during this time, it is extremely likely that I would have been thrown off the outside porch (or perhaps I would have been killed in some other way).

In July 2010, the focus of my WordPress Blogging was changing.

Until this point had almost solely been a WordPress Website that dealt with Alternative Medical Knowledge I had discovered, co-discovered, and/or learned from others that were knowledgeable in regard to the same.  

However, after undergoing two attempts to kill me, I began to use Google to Search for Knowledge about other persons that had been killed for what they knew or had discovered, to see if I could learn from what had happened to them.

The key Search Word that I used was “suppression”, for I knew that what I had learned about the correction of mental illness naturally was being “intentionally suppressed”.

In August 2010, I wrote two Socially Significant WordPress Blogs in regard to Suppression that are still very germane today.  

One is titled “Suppression Of Great Truth Is The Norm It Seems”, and the other is titled—> 

“Governmental Vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change”.

Perhaps needless to say, the attempts on my life have continued on a sporadic but continual basis since then.  

It turns out that Big Pharma and the Mafia are in bed together.  

I am dead certain of this, for it has been the Mafia that has been repeatedly trying to kill me for the past 43 months or so.  

It is a miracle that I am still alive.

A mutually beneficial way needs to be found (and fairly negotiated) to get the Mafia to dump their fiscal self interest in pharmaceutical medicine and “switch sides”… or—>

America as we know it is doomed (for an unhealthy populace cannot support a healthy nation).

Thankfully, some True American Heroes finally stepped in to help me with WordPress in April 2012.

Without these folks, it is extremely likely that I would have simply become another Discoverer of Alternative Medical Truths that would have died in vain.  

I cannot thank those persons that are helping me from afar enough.

I do not know who all of you are (I only know one of you by name), but I love you for what you have heroically done to help me, and have done for so long.

Since April 2012, has become a Collaborative WordPress Website of a Four Person WordPress Collaborative Internet Team.

This Team is composed of four (or perhaps even more) heroic WordPress Website Development Specialists that are intuitively collaborating with each other over the Internet.

Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team not only deals with—>

(a) the topic of overcoming mental illness naturally and here,

it also deals with—>

(b) the Suppression of Various Alternative Medical Discoveries,

(c) the Suppression of a Wide Range of Free Energy Ideas,

(d) 9/11 Truth Suppression,

(e) FEMA Camp Truth Suppression,

(f) UFO Truth Suppression

(g) the Suppression of Other Truths by Federal Government Bodies, especially our own Federal Government here in the United States,

(h) the Loss of Internet Freedom in the United States,

(i) the Startup of an Internet Woodstock Event in the San Francisco Bay Area called iWoodstockiROCK4FREEDOM, or similar,

(j) Conceptually Mapping Out “a New Standardized Model” of Internet Based Federal Government for America, and for other countries as well,

(k) If Needed, the Initiation of a JUSTIFIABLE REVOLUTION here in the United States (also here and here) and—>

(l) If Needed, the Initiation of a JUSTIFIABLE REVOLUTION Worldwide as well as soon as it is practical or possible to do so, and last but not least—>

(iM for Internet Management) the Issue of Using WordPress as a Management Platform done with a little humor… (also here).

Allen D—> With Critical and heroic Help from Mark J, and from our heroic San Francisco WordPress Website DEVELOPMENT Team!

Allen Darman and his heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Internet Team

[end of Preface]

Dear friends:

I am aware that the blogs on my Nutrientscure WordPress site are not organized, or easily found. I apologize to all for this. Hopefully, this blog will help the reader find the gist of my Nutrientscure WordPress website, without having a great deal of difficulty when doing so.

The blogs listed below primarily concern how to correct depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and/or difficulty with sleep via natural means.

Some of the blogs that are listed below contain a world leading degree of understanding. This understanding is in part due to the insight I have gained regarding how to use free form amino acids properly in a therapeutic sense. It is also in part to due the insight I have gained regarding malabsorption and gut (GI tract) dysfunction. (“Mental illness” is often simply “dietary problems and gut illness causing malabsorption in disguise”.)

Incidentally, I do hope to soon complete some key blogs that belong on the list below. The most important of these unfinished blogs, and the one that immediately came to mind in this regard, is the blog titled “Willy’s Baggies and Malabsorption (March 2010)”.

I have no commercial agenda in ANY of the blogs listed below. I am NOT selling anything. I am only trying to share what I have learned about the correction of mental illness naturally. This sharing comes from a heartfelt sense of moral obligation to try to help other persons that still suffer from a similar illness to that which I once had.

Allen Darman

Introducing the Concept of an “Educational Healing House” (2006)

This blog regarding a healing house defines where I want to go with what I have learned in the blogs listed below. It defines “a new model of healing for the world”. A “healing house” is a conceptual model of healing that disenfranchises both conventional and alternative medicine as practiced by “doctors”… as it teaches “the patient” to become “an effective doctor of his or her self”.

My son Willy profoundly proved to the world that even a thirteen year old child can become “an effective doctor of himself”.

Willy also proved to the world that someone can become “an effective doctor of his or her self” without even reading a single alternative medical book. This is due to the fact that the body of knowledge needed to become “an effective doctor of oneself” can be verbally taught… despite using only simple words (words that almost any teenager can understand).

Many of the blogs that follow contain “seeds of knowledge” that I had gained prior to Willy’s amazing recovery. This knowledge gave me the ability to teach my son how to heal himself… when the time came that he was ready to do so.

My First Website on the Internet (2001)

An old speech draft on bipolar; still a worthy read (2002)

An Introduction To Alternative Medicine For Psychiatric Conditions (2005)

A Testimonial to Dr. Sherry Rogers

My Bipolar Recovery Story as of June 2004

Concepts and Ideas to Treat Depression Naturally (2003)

Lessons I Taught Willy #1; Self-Empowerment (March 2007)

Lessons I Taught Willy #3; How To Cure Yourself of ADHD or Bipolar Disorder; “The Big Picture”

My son Willy’s original ADHD/bipolar! recovery story

Willy’s Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story

An Update Regarding Willy’s Amazing Recovery (June 2009)

An Overview of Willy’s Baggie I, II, and III (March 2010)

Willy’s Baggies vs. All One Nutrient Formula Or Protein Powders

What A Harvard Educated Psychiatrist-To-Be Said About Willy’s Baggies (2009)’s-baggies-2009/

Adelle Davis; a true pioneer (September 2007)

Another blog on Adelle Davis, my being hacked problem, etc. (November 2007)

The possible implications of broad based nutrition taken all at once (February 2007)

Willy’s Baggie II Shortcuts The Resolution of Depression

One of Willy’s “baggies” of supplements… Wow! (September 2006)

An Anecdotal Case; Depression Resolved in One Day, Rv.2 (2007)

Depression and Bipolar Disorder – Cured At Last! (August 2007)

Willy’s Original Baggie Ingredient List (December 2006)

A more detailed explanation of Willy’s Original Baggie (February 2007)

Willy’s Baggie III; a further improvement (Note: It was later determined that Willy’s Original Baggie and Willy’s Baggie II were superior to Willy’s Baggie III.)

An Adequate Dosage of Broad Based Amino Acids

Is it possible that key knowledge known by Robert Erdmann over 20 years ago got lost?

A Real Cure For Schizophrenia Has been Found!

Hearing Voices” remission within hours from supplement use

Doctors Helped Cause Willy’s Sickness

Autism and Probiotics Proven to Be Linked!! (September 2006)

Probiotics and Their Effect on All Mental Illness (September 2006)

The End of Antibiotics (2008)

Bentonite, Depression, and How The Gut May Work (2004/2005)

Bentonite, vitamin C, and yeast die off (August 2006)

An egroup post I wrote in 2005 on Sleep

Truehope, Equilib, Willy, and Big Pharma

An Open Letter To All Of Alternative Medicine (March 2010)

A Tribute to Bob Beck; A World Class Healer

The Irony Of My Situation

Listing of blogs on this WordPress site as of July 16, 2009


Some of Our WordPress Intuitive Collaborative Team’s Many Websites->

  • 1) iROCK4FREEDOM the 1st Internet Woodstock!


  • 2) Our latest Management Website titled 420SmokeMASTERAllenD>ORDERS>


  • 3) Eight President Roundtable Internet Government Website


  • 4) A Suppression of Truth WordPress Website


  • 5) Willy Darman’s Discovery Website


  • 6) A Justifiable Civil Disobedience Website


  • 7) Our July 4th Revolution WordPress Website



Notable Quotes

It turns out that Big Pharma and the Mafia are in bed together.  I am dead certain of this, for it has been the Mafia that has been repeatedly trying to kill me since the first attempt to do so on January 6, 2010.  It is a miracle that I am still alive. Allen D

A mutually beneficial way needs to be found (and fairly negotiated)to get the Mafia to dump their fiscal self interest in pharmaceutical medicine and “switch sides”… or America as we know it is doomed (for an unhealthy populace cannot support a healthy nation). Allen D

Thankfully, some True American Heroes finally stepped in to help me with WordPress in April 2012. Without these folks, it is extremely likely that I would have simply become another Discoverer of Alternative Medical Truths that would have died in vain.  I cannot thank those persons that are helping me from afar enough. I do not know who all of you are (I only know one of you by name), but I love you for what you have heroically done to help me, and have done for so long. Allen D

Be obscure clearly. E.B. White

The hell with being obscure! It’s high time we had 100% clear and direct honesty in this world! Tell it like it is! Thank God for the Internet! There should be no secrets any more! Allen D

Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.Marsha Norman

I dream of the day when all mental illnesses are being readily cured via natural means, as I know they could easily be. Allen D

The scariest moment is always just before you start.
Stephen King

I disagree.  The scariest moments for me in my attempt to help America and the World were not just before I started.  They were when a Mafia hit team had me trapped in one way or another, and they were actively trying to kill me.  Thankfully, I got lucky and survived long enough that Silicon Valley became Aware of Me. Allen D

The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can’t help it.Leo Rosten

I’m No Professional Writer. I Hack at It! Thank God I have Professional WordPress Website Development Specialists to back me up! They Make Me Look Professional! And They Make My Writing Look Good! Allen D

Every writer I know has trouble writing.Joseph Heller

My son Willy and I co-discovered the Cure to Writer’s Block! in the summer of 2004. We call it Willy’s Baggie (of nutritional and natural supplements). I am a dummy! I did not realize the Great Significance of what my son and I had co-discovered until almost two years later. Willy had to ask me to make his Willy’s Baggies again in May 2006. If he didn’t ask me this, I would have completely missed the boat here. The World owes my son Willy a Huge Thank You for both what he discovered, and then what he did in regard to “proving his discovery out”. 

The Search for a Cure for ADHD and bipolar disorder ended! with my son Willy and I. We Co-Discovered these Cures for the World! Allen D


The Gist of Nutrientscure.WordPress.Com As of July 12th 2010


I started my War on the Internet Against the Hoax of Pharmaceutical Medicine and Other Powers that Be in the Summer of the year 2000. It was pretty scary for me in the beginning, for I knew that people were Inevitably Going To Be Sent To Kill Me. After almost four years of surviving about a dozen “killing episodes” involving perhaps three dozen individual hit attempts, I have lost all of my fears completely.

Although I Will Always Be Cautious For The Rest Of My Life, I am done being scared. If Internet Martyrdom is my ultimate fate, at this point a good portion of the upper echelon of Silicon Valley has heard, and will remember, what I have said and done. Should it occur, I know that they will not let my Internet Martyrdom go unanswered. Thank Many Smart and Moral People at Google and Facebook, Thank the company underlying WordPress called Automattic, Thank a true American hero named Mark J in Florida that Stood Up 4 Me in April 2012, Thank Some Anonymous WordPress heroes in San Francisco that were the First 2 Stand Up 4 Me on April 9, 2012, and Thank God—> that I have survived the storm of multiple hit attempts, and finally have made it to San Francisco unscathed—> in Order To Be a Catalyst in Starting the 1st Internet Woodstock Worldwide—> a Historic Event that will Free the Human Race from Quite a Few Very Big Lies!

Allen D—> With Critical and heroic Help from Mark J, and from our heroic San Francisco WordPress Website DEVELOPMENT Team!

The picture above shows my eldest son Willy Darman at about seventeen and a half years old >>>after he applied a wide range of Nutritional and Natural Supplements to himself for three and a half years<<<, and he used a few simple lessons that I taught him verbally, and used a little of his own Common Sense.

What My Son Willy Did Between August of 2004 and February of 2008 Exposed the Enormous Hoax of Drug Oriented Medicine!, if the Truth Ever Became Known! No More ADHD! No More Bipolar Disorder! and No More Weak and Sickly Childhood Health!

The Picture below shows my eldest son Willy’s Health at the hands of conventional medicine. This picture represents my son Willy at about ten and a half years of age, after being on Ritalin for about four years for an ADHD diagnosis and classic bipolar symptoms. At this point in his life Willy was not very happy, and he had Both Seriously Compromised Mental and Physical Health.

Essentially I taught Willy verbally >>the Basic Facts that He Needed To Know<<
In Order to Become >>>An Effective Doctor of Himself<<<, and
>>>I also gave Willy the Supplement Tools<<< that he needed to do so.
Willy did the rest!

Important Prefacing Notes Dated 8/13/2013: was Originally a WordPress Website in regard to overcoming mental illness via the use of natural and non-drug means. It was essentially the story of my overcoming over three decades of bipolar symptoms in the late 1990′s, and then teaching my son Willy Darman how to overcome an ADHD diagnosis and bipolar symptoms beginning when he was thirteen years old in 2004.
The Search for a Cure for ADHD and bipolar disorder ended! with my son Willy Darman and I. We Co-Discovered these Cures for the World!
I had already found most of the proper chemical manner to correct bipolar disorder from a chemical standpoint before 2004. My son Willy Darman found “the last key idea” that was needed “to do the job right”. Willy hit a home run for the World when he came up with the Idea of “Willy’s Baggies” (of a wide range of adequately balanced nutritional and natural supplements “taken all at once”). And then Willy **Proved To The World The Validity Of What He Had Discovered** in his own personal Amazing Recovery from ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and a History of Sickly Childhood Health.

Since the WordPress Blog Titled “The gist of” was written On July, 12, 2010, has become a rather Massive Website of over 2,900 blogs. In undergoing this Growth, has greatly expanded its Original Scope of Overcoming Mental Illnesses Naturally via natural non-drug means.

When “The gist of” was written I had already undergone two attempts on my life.  The first attempt was a singular one involving a team of two people that were sent to my motel to Atlantic City in early January 2010 in an attempt to “make me disappear like Jimmy Hoffa did”.   This attempt occurred just after a Health Freedom Conference was held in northern NJ.  At this Health Freedom Conference put on by Dr. Rima Laibow of the Natural Solutions Foundation I had connected with a conventional medical doctor that practiced in Manhattan.  This doctor expressed a strong desire and willingness to work with me and see if what my son Willy and I had discovered would help his patients suffering from depression.  The second attempt on my life occurred in late May of 2010, just after I wrote a landmark WordPress Blog titled “A Tribute To Bob Beck; A World Class Healer” on May 21, 2010.  This attempt was multiple in nature and occurred over 8 to 10 days time.  It involved repeated attempts to gain entry under false pretenses to a 14th floor apartment that I was renting in Utica, NY at the time.  If I had made one single mistake in opening the door to persons unknown to me during this time, it is extremely likely that I would have been thrown off the outside porch (or perhaps I would have been killed in some other way).

In July 2010, the focus of my WordPress Blogging was changing. Until this point had almost solely been a WordPress Website that dealt with Alternative Medical Knowledge I had discovered, co-discovered, and/or learned from others that were knowledgeable in regard to the same.  However, after undergoing two attempts to kill me, I began to use Google to Search for Knowledge about other persons that had been killed for what they knew or had discovered, to see if I could learn from what had happened to them. The key Search Word that I used was “suppression”, for I knew that what I had learned about the correction of mental illness naturally was being “intentionally suppressed”.

In August 2010, I wrote two Socially Significant WordPress Blogs in regard to Suppression that are still very germane today.  One is titled “Suppression Of Great Truth Is The Norm It Seems”, and the other is titled “Governmental Vs. Alternative Medicine; It Is Time For Change”.

Perhaps needless to say, the attempts on my life have continued on a sporadic but continual basis since then.  It turns out that Big Pharma and the Mafia are in bed together.  I am dead certain of this, for it has been the Mafia that has been repeatedly trying to kill me for the past 43 months or so.  It is a miracle that I am still alive.

A mutually beneficial way needs to be found (and fairly negotiated) to get the Mafia to dump their fiscal self interest in pharmaceutical medicine and “switch sides”… or America as we know it is doomed (for an unhealthy populace cannot support a healthy nation).

Thankfully, some True American Heroes finally stepped in to help me with WordPress in April 2012. Without these folks, it is extremely likely that I would have simply become another Discoverer of Alternative Medical Truths that would have died in vain.  I cannot thank those persons that are helping me from afar enough. I do not know who all of you are (I only know one of you by name), but I love you for what you have heroically done to help me, and have done for so long.

Since April 2012, has become a Collaborative WordPress Website of a Four Person WordPress Collaborative Internet Team. This Team is composed of four (or perhaps even more) heroic WordPress Website Development Specialists that are intuitively collaborating with each other over the Internet. Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team not only deals with (a) the topic of overcoming mental illness naturally and here, it also deals with (b) the Suppression of Various Alternative Medical Discoveries, (c) the Suppression of a Wide Range of Free Energy Ideas, (d) the Suppression of Truth by Federal Government Bodies, especially our own Federal Government here in the United States, (e) the Loss of Internet Freedom in the United States, (f) the Startup of an Internet Freedom Event in the San Francisco Bay Area called iWoodstockiROCK4FREEDOM, or similar, (g) Conceptually Mapping Out “a New Standardized Model” of Internet Based Federal Government for America, and for other countries as well, (h) the Initiation of a JUSTIFIABLE REVOLUTION here in the United States (also here and here) and the Initiation of a JUSTIFIABLE REVOLUTION Worldwide as well as soon as it is practical or possible to do so, and (i) the Issue of Using WordPress as a Management Platform done with a little humor… (also here).

Allen Darman and his heroic WordPress Collaborative Patriot Internet Team

[end of Prefacing Notes]

Dear friends:

I am aware that the blogs on my Nutrientscure WordPress site are not organized, or easily found. I apologize to all for this. Hopefully, this blog will help the reader find the gist of my Nutrientscure WordPress website, without having a great deal of difficulty when doing so.

The blogs listed below primarily concern how to correct depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and/or difficulty with sleep via natural means.

Some of the blogs that are listed below contain a world leading degree of understanding. This understanding is in part due to the insight I have gained regarding how to use free form amino acids properly in a therapeutic sense. It is also in part to due the insight I have gained regarding malabsorption and gut (GI tract) dysfunction. (“Mental illness” is often simply “dietary problems and gut illness causing malabsorption in disguise”.)

Incidentally, I do hope to soon complete some key blogs that belong on the list below. The most important of these unfinished blogs, and the one that immediately came to mind in this regard, is the blog titled “Willy’s Baggies and Malabsorption (March 2010)”.

I have no commercial agenda in ANY of the blogs listed below. I am NOT selling anything. I am only trying to share what I have learned about the correction of mental illness naturally. This sharing comes from a heartfelt sense of moral obligation to try to help other persons that still suffer from a similar illness to that which I once had.

Allen Darman

Introducing the Concept of an “Educational Healing House” (2006)

This blog regarding a healing house defines where I want to go with what I have learned in the blogs listed below. It defines “a new model of healing for the world”. A “healing house” is a conceptual model of healing that disenfranchises both conventional and alternative medicine as practiced by “doctors”… as it teaches “the patient” to become “an effective doctor of his or her self”.

My son Willy profoundly proved to the world that even a thirteen year old child can become “an effective doctor of himself”.

Willy also proved to the world that someone can become “an effective doctor of his or her self” without even reading a single alternative medical book. This is due to the fact that the body of knowledge needed to become “an effective doctor of oneself” can be verbally taught… despite using only simple words (words that almost any teenager can understand).

Many of the blogs that follow contain “seeds of knowledge” that I had gained prior to Willy’s amazing recovery. This knowledge gave me the ability to teach my son how to heal himself… when the time came that he was ready to do so.

My First Website on the Internet (2001)

An old speech draft on bipolar; still a worthy read (2002)

An Introduction To Alternative Medicine For Psychiatric Conditions (2005)

A Testimonial to Dr. Sherry Rogers

My Bipolar Recovery Story as of June 2004

Concepts and Ideas to Treat Depression Naturally (2003)

Lessons I Taught Willy #1; Self-Empowerment (March 2007)

Lessons I Taught Willy #3; How To Cure Yourself of ADHD or Bipolar Disorder; “The Big Picture”

My son Willy’s original ADHD/bipolar! recovery story

Willy’s Three Year ADHD/Bipolar Recovery Story

An Update Regarding Willy’s Amazing Recovery (June 2009)

An Overview of Willy’s Baggie I, II, and III (March 2010)

Willy’s Baggies vs. All One Nutrient Formula Or Protein Powders

What A Harvard Educated Psychiatrist-To-Be Said About Willy’s Baggies (2009)’s-baggies-2009/

Adelle Davis; a true pioneer (September 2007)

Another blog on Adelle Davis, my being hacked problem, etc. (November 2007)

The possible implications of broad based nutrition taken all at once (February 2007)

Willy’s Baggie II Shortcuts The Resolution of Depression

One of Willy’s “baggies” of supplements… Wow! (September 2006)

An Anecdotal Case; Depression Resolved in One Day, Rv.2 (2007)

Depression and Bipolar Disorder – Cured At Last! (August 2007)

Willy’s Original Baggie Ingredient List (December 2006)

A more detailed explanation of Willy’s Original Baggie (February 2007)

Willy’s Baggie III; a further improvement (Note: It was later determined that Willy’s Original Baggie and Willy’s Baggie II were superior to Willy’s Baggie III.)

An Adequate Dosage of Broad Based Amino Acids

Is it possible that key knowledge known by Robert Erdmann over 20 years ago got lost?

A Real Cure For Schizophrenia Has been Found!

Hearing Voices” remission within hours from supplement use

Doctors Helped Cause Willy’s Sickness

Autism and Probiotics Proven to Be Linked!! (September 2006)

Probiotics and Their Effect on All Mental Illness (September 2006)

The End of Antibiotics (2008)

Bentonite, Depression, and How The Gut May Work (2004/2005)

Bentonite, vitamin C, and yeast die off (August 2006)

An egroup post I wrote in 2005 on Sleep

Truehope, Equilib, Willy, and Big Pharma

An Open Letter To All Of Alternative Medicine (March 2010)

A Tribute to Bob Beck; A World Class Healer

The Irony Of My Situation

Listing of blogs on this WordPress site as of July 16, 2009


Our Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites

Tweetable Link>>>

The Seven WordPress Websites Reflected Below are all Creations of
Allen Dee and his Revolutionary WordPress Collaborative Internet Team

Our WordPress Collaborative Team’s Magnificent Seven Websites are as follows… all of the Images shown are “Clickable”.

  • 1) iROCK4FREEDOM the 1st Internet Woodstock!


  • 2) Our latest Management Website titled 420SmokeMASTERAllenD>ORDERS>


  • 3) Eight President Roundtable Internet Government Website


  • 4) A Suppression of Truth WordPress Website


  • 5) Willy Darman’s Discovery Website


  • 6) A Justifiable Civil Disobedience Website


  • 7) Our July 4th Revolution WordPress Website



Notable Quotes

It turns out that Big Pharma and the Mafia are in bed together.  I am dead certain of this, for it has been the Mafia that has been repeatedly trying to kill me for the past 43 months or so.  It is a miracle that I am still alive.Allen D

A mutually beneficial way needs to be found (and fairly negotiated) to get the Mafia to dump their fiscal self interest in pharmaceutical medicine and “switch sides”… or America as we know it is doomed (for an unhealthy populace cannot support a healthy nation).Allen D

Thankfully, some True American Heroes finally stepped in to help me with WordPress in April 2012. Without these folks, it is extremely likely that I would have simply become another Discoverer of Alternative Medical Truths that would have died in vain.  I cannot thank those persons that are helping me from afar enough. I do not know who all of you are (I only know one of you by name), but I love you for what you have heroically done to help me, and have done for so long.Allen D

Be obscure clearly. E.B. White

The hell with being obscure! It’s high time we had 100% clear and direct honesty in this world! Tell it like it is! Thank God for the Internet! There should be no secrets any more! AllenD

Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.Marsha Norman

I dream of the day when all mental illnesses are being readily cured via natural means, as I know they could easily be. Allen Darman

The scariest moment is always just before you start.
Stephen King

The only reason for being a professional writer is that you can’t help it.Leo Rosten

I’m No Professional Writer. I Hack at It! Thank God I have Professional WordPress Website Development Specialists to back me up! They Make Me Look Professional! And They Make My Writing Look Good! Allen Darman

Every writer I know has trouble writing.Joseph Heller

My son Willy and I co-discovered the Cure to Writer’s Block! in the summer of 2004. We call it Willy’s Baggie (of nutritional and natural supplements). I am a dummy! I did not realize the Great Significance of what my son and I had co-discovered until almost two years later. Willy had to ask me to make his Willy’s Baggies again in May 2006. If he didn’t ask me this, I would have completely missed the boat here. The World owes my son Willy a Huge Thank You for both what he discovered, and then what he did in regard to “proving his discovery out”. 

The Search for a Cure for ADHD and bipolar disorder ended! with my son Willy Darman and I. We Co-Discovered these Cures for the World! Allen Darman

************ Web Address>>> Blog Link>>>

Psychiatric insanity: Over 20% of young boys labeled ‘ADHD’

Manic Tendencies And Sleep Problems Can Be Easily Controlled Using Inhibitory Nutritional Supplements

A Pictorial And Musical Preface

The Picture Below is of my son Willy showing off his muscles in February 2008, when he was about seventeen and a half years old.  Willy generated the Leading ADHD and Bipolar Recovery Story In the World Between the Summer of 2004 and the Summer of 2009. It is Still the Leading Recovery Story in the World in these regards. What my son Willy and I Discovered in the Alternative Medical Arena threatens the collapse of Pharmaceutical Medicine Worldwide.  It is Absolutely A God Given Miracle that I am Still Alive. Allen D


1) Andy Cherry – Our God’s Alive

2) Bruce Springsteen – Waitin’ on a Sunny Day

This Bruce Springsteen Sunny Day Video is a Real Treat If You Have Not Seen It Yet!  Even if you have seen it—> It is Still A Real Treat! Thank You Bruce! Allen D


Dear Fellow Americans:

I am all better now, perhaps just a little tiny bit fatigued from an 80 hour straight work block (with no sleep at all) that was voluntarily undertaken by me in regard to blogging Critical and Time Sensitive Patriot Movement Educational Material with WordPress.

All you have to do in order to Adequately Control Manic Tendencies and/or a Problem with Getting To Sleep is to swallow a few dozen wisely chosen nutritional supplements or so!and drink a glass of practically anythinbut milk or hard liquor (beer is fine for most).

I drank Coca Cola tonight with my Supplement Regine because I needed the acid in it to break down some tablets that I had, instead of the capsules I normally use.  I should perhaps note that my stomach does not make enough stomach acid.  I am chronically deficient in this regard unless I take stomach acid supplements to make up for this deficiency.

Within five minutes or so of my taking the supplements that I needed to be able to go to sleep, I slept like a stone for about 3.25 hours.  Upon Wake Up I felt Just Fine! as a result of swallowing a small handful of inhibitory nutritional supplements.

It’s like hitting the Reset button on Your Brain to do the above.

It’s >>So Incredibly EASY!<< 2 >>Accomplish the Above when you know what you are doing.

This Is All No Surprise to me (the above)—> for I have personally used very similar methodology hundreds of times on myself in the past sixteen years or so (since the Fall of 1997).

I sure as hell do know what I am doing when it comes to this stuff because—>

I have Led the World (#1) in this Particular Area of Understanding (knowing how to use inhibitory nutritional supplements to maximize therapeutic results) since early September of 1997.

I learned much of the above the hard way—> by repeated life experiences and repeated life mistakes—> the latter of which I learned how to resolve better and better over time.

Allen D and Mark J and Heroic Help from Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth


A Very Closely Related Blog—>

How I Slowed My Brain Down and Got Off Sleep Medication (2010)
