Psychiatric insanity: Over 20% of young boys labeled ‘ADHD’

Manic Tendencies And Sleep Problems Can Be Easily Controlled Using Inhibitory Nutritional Supplements

A Pictorial And Musical Preface

The Picture Below is of my son Willy showing off his muscles in February 2008, when he was about seventeen and a half years old.  Willy generated the Leading ADHD and Bipolar Recovery Story In the World Between the Summer of 2004 and the Summer of 2009. It is Still the Leading Recovery Story in the World in these regards. What my son Willy and I Discovered in the Alternative Medical Arena threatens the collapse of Pharmaceutical Medicine Worldwide.  It is Absolutely A God Given Miracle that I am Still Alive. Allen D


1) Andy Cherry – Our God’s Alive

2) Bruce Springsteen – Waitin’ on a Sunny Day

This Bruce Springsteen Sunny Day Video is a Real Treat If You Have Not Seen It Yet!  Even if you have seen it—> It is Still A Real Treat! Thank You Bruce! Allen D


Dear Fellow Americans:

I am all better now, perhaps just a little tiny bit fatigued from an 80 hour straight work block (with no sleep at all) that was voluntarily undertaken by me in regard to blogging Critical and Time Sensitive Patriot Movement Educational Material with WordPress.

All you have to do in order to Adequately Control Manic Tendencies and/or a Problem with Getting To Sleep is to swallow a few dozen wisely chosen nutritional supplements or so!and drink a glass of practically anythinbut milk or hard liquor (beer is fine for most).

I drank Coca Cola tonight with my Supplement Regine because I needed the acid in it to break down some tablets that I had, instead of the capsules I normally use.  I should perhaps note that my stomach does not make enough stomach acid.  I am chronically deficient in this regard unless I take stomach acid supplements to make up for this deficiency.

Within five minutes or so of my taking the supplements that I needed to be able to go to sleep, I slept like a stone for about 3.25 hours.  Upon Wake Up I felt Just Fine! as a result of swallowing a small handful of inhibitory nutritional supplements.

It’s like hitting the Reset button on Your Brain to do the above.

It’s >>So Incredibly EASY!<< 2 >>Accomplish the Above when you know what you are doing.

This Is All No Surprise to me (the above)—> for I have personally used very similar methodology hundreds of times on myself in the past sixteen years or so (since the Fall of 1997).

I sure as hell do know what I am doing when it comes to this stuff because—>

I have Led the World (#1) in this Particular Area of Understanding (knowing how to use inhibitory nutritional supplements to maximize therapeutic results) since early September of 1997.

I learned much of the above the hard way—> by repeated life experiences and repeated life mistakes—> the latter of which I learned how to resolve better and better over time.

Allen D and Mark J and Heroic Help from Our San Francisco Hippie Gang of WordPressWarriors for the Truth


A Very Closely Related Blog—>

How I Slowed My Brain Down and Got Off Sleep Medication (2010)


How I Slowed My Brain Down and Got Off Sleep Medication (2010)

Dear Friends:

I am a person with a bipolar diagnosis. I have had at least a few hundred episodes each of mania and depression since 1963, the year of my bipolar onset. (I am currently 58 years old; my bipolar onset occurred when I was age 11.)

I was heavily symptomatic of bipolar disorder from 1963 until the fall of 1997 (at which point “I got much better” as a result of self-applied alternative medicine). My bipolar symptoms had become more frequent and more severe as I got older (until I got better, of course).

As early as my teenage years I knew that “there was something wrong with me”, but I had no clue what it was. Nor did I seek professional help for any of my problems.

After over twenty five years knowing “something was wrong with me”, things finally got so bad I knew I needed help.

In 1992 I began to see a psychologist to try to sort out my life problems. After about a year of seeing this psychologist every month or two, she referred me to a psychiatrist so that I could receive medication for depression. (I was misdiagnosed as a unipolar depressive at this time.)

I was first correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder in June 1994. This occurred as a result of voluntarily admitting myself to rehab center in Syracuse, NY while I was in a state of mania.

After an eight month trial on lithium, I gave up on it, and threw it in the garbage. Lithium greatly dulled my mental acuity, and my hands still shook “such that I could not sign my name on a check”, despite taking only 900 mg. of lithium. Lithium did nothing to help my depressive episodes at all. (Depakote did not work for me as a mood stabilizer either. My manic states “blew through it like it was water”.)

My bipolar condition got to the point where I could hardly sleep for almost two years unless I took some sort of medication.

In the fall of 1995, I was prescribed first Ambien. I was very disappointed with Ambien. It only gave me about three to three and a half hours of sleep. Sominex, an over-the-counter sleep medication that I had been taking for months prior actually gave me a bit more sleep than Ambien did.

When I saw my psychiatrist again, I asked him for a sleep medication that was much stronger than Ambien.

The first medication that I took for sleep that worked for me such that I got six to eight hours sleep was Xanex. This medication was first prescribed to me in February 1996.

Within a matter of weeks of my first taking Xanex, after steadily moving up in dosage of it due to the fact I was becoming tolerant to it, I had “blurred vision” in one eye when I woke up. And this blurred vision did not go away for quite a few hours. I immediately called my psychiatrist. He told me that I was having an adverse reaction to Xanex. And he told me to immediately stop taking it. This adverse reaction occurred despite the fact I was only taking .875 mg. of Xanex (less than one milligram) at this time. (I am sensitive to benzodiazepine medications.)

For a few weeks after having an adverse reaction to Xanex, I took nothing for sleep. For these few weeks I was seriously manic for the entire time.

In April 1996, I got my first prescription for Klonopin. This was a medication that I requested from my psychiatrist. He was a bit hesitant about giving Klonopin to me, due to the fact I had had an adverse reaction to Xanex, which was another benzodiazepine medication. I was a bit insistent for a prescription for Klonopin, and my psychiatrist wisely relented and gave me one.

After having an adverse reaction to Xanex, I had decided to learn as much as I could about medications myself. I learned about Klonopin by reading some books about medication in March 1996.

I had become tired of my psychiatrist making all of my medication choices for me. He had prescribed a number of different medications to me in the past two years. Only one of these did I feel had really done me any good (Zoloft). The rest of the medications I had been prescribed in these two years either did not help me, or their side effects were intolerable. So I decided to see if I could make some better medication choices myself.

Klonopin worked well for me in the beginning, just as Xanex did. I could finally get some sleep. In the beginning, I got about five hours of sleep (or sometimes even six hours of sleep) with Klonopin. (I was admittedly also smoking pot at night when I was taking Klonopin. For over a decade pot had helped me somewhat in regard to sleep.)

Then the same thing happened, just as the books that I had read had told me it would. I built up a tolerance to Klonopin, just as I had built up a tolerance to Xanex. I needed more and more Klonopin to go to sleep, just as I did the Xanex. And smoking pot at night before I took Klonopin was just not enough for me to get enough sleep.

After I got up to 2 mg. of Klonopin within a few months of taking it (I had started on .5 mg), and began to feel that I needed even more, I thought to myself “enough is enough”. I decided “I am not going to just keep taking more of this stuff”, like I did with Xanex.

As I did not know quite what do to at this point, I sought professional advice. I did not go to my psychiatrist for this professional advice. I went to see a person that I considered an expert on drugs. This person was an ex-heroin addict that repeatedly claimed to have taken “every drug under the sun”, both legal and illegal. And he was a person that I highly respected.

I asked Billy (not his real name) “What should I do?” “I need more and more Klonopin to go to sleep.” “Would it be better for me to keep taking more Klonopin, or would it be better for me to drink some alcohol with the Klonopin so I can go to sleep?” Billy would not give me a direct answer. He said to me over and over “What do you think?” But you could tell what he thought by reading his face… he thought “You dummy, of course drink some alcohol with the Klonopin if it helps you to sleep rather than keep taking more of that s…t.”

So that is what I did. I began to drink a few bottles of beer, along with taking my Klonopin and smoking pot.

I was on Klonopin and pot, and then Klonopin, alcohol, and pot for almost eighteen months straight. Sometimes I got four hours of sleep. Sometimes I got five hours of sleep. It was infrequent that I got any more. Eighteen months of this.

I knew I was in deep trouble at this point (throughout most of 1996 and 1997). I knew that my Klonopin, alcohol, and pot routine for sleep could not last forever. I knew I had better find a better answer to my problems with sleep. And I knew “I was fighting for my life”.

In August of 1997 I began to add the amino acid taurine to my sleep regime. By the first week of September, less than a month after adding taurine (and other amino acids) to my sleep regime, I was off both Klonopin and alcohol completely. And I no longer needed pot to go to sleep.

By the end of October 1997, about two months after taking four amino acids (taurine, tryptophan, GABA, and glycine) every night to go to sleep (with some vitamins and minerals as well) I was getting the best sleep I could remember… going all the way back to the late 1960’s.

In September and October of 1997, I also did a number of other things besides take amino acids, etc. for sleep in order to overcome my bipolar diagnosis. I took a wide range of nutritional supplements daily. I cleaned up my diet. I got a series of colonics. (These helped me enormously.) I identified and eliminated a number of hidden food allergens. And I corrected my gut flora with probiotics and anti-candida measures.

Two supplements that I added to all of the others that I was taking in October of 1997 had an immediate and absolutely profound effect on me. They slowed down my brain just like lithium did… but without any negative side effects whatsoever. These two supplements made me drive slower, made me think slower, and made me talk slower. They also substantially lowered the volume of my voice. These two supplements were L-carnitine and phosphatidyl choline. I soon found that the more phosphatidyl choline I took, the slower my brain fired. This was a huge breakthrough for me. I had finally found the answer to my lifelong problems of often having “racing thoughts”, “fast speech”, and “speech much louder than normal”.

The specifics of my using L-Carnitine and phosphatidyl choline are as follows:

I took a 500 mg. capsule of L-carnitine in the morning. (Sometimes, but not often, I used acetyl L-carnitine instead of L-carnitine. I did not notice a difference here.) I also took three, and sometimes even four, capsules of phosphatidyl choline in the morning. Each capsule contained between 420 and 460 mg. of actual phosphatidyl choline. I took this L-carnitine and phosphatidyl choline with my other supplements in the morning. These “other supplements” covered the entire vitamin and mineral range. They also contained some capsules of essential fatty acids.

I knew deep in my heart in the fall of 1997 that “I had found most of the cure for bipolar disorder”. Not just for myself, but for the rest of the world.

In looking back at this time from where I stand today in 2010, I feel that I only made a few mistakes in what I had learned thirteen years ago. (None of these mistakes were critical in regard to my beating manic depression.)

In deciding to use the four amino acids of taurine, tryptophan, GABA, and glycine for sleep in 1997, I now know I could have done better in regard to the four amino acids that I had selected. Today I only use three amino acids for sleep. These are taurine, tryptophan, and histidine. If I was to use a fourth amino acid for sleep, it would be GABA. Glycine has always been a very weak sleep aid for me.

My standard night baggie for sleep for years contained the following:

1. Three 500 mg. or 600 mg. capsules of taurine.
2. Three or four 500 mg. capsules of tryptophan.
3. Three 500 mg. capsules of GABA.
4. Five 500 mg. capsules of glycine.
5. One 50 mg. capsule of vitamin B complex.
6. Three 1,000 mg. capsules of vitamin C.
7. Three capsules of calcium/magnesium/vitamin D.

I took somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,200 to 1,500 of the above night baggies between September 1997 and August 2002, when my access to substantial fiscal funds ran out.

Since August 2002 I have only been able to supplement myself on an off-and-on basis. My best guess is that since 2002 I have taken perhaps another 500 to 750 night baggies as per the ingredients listed above.

Sometimes I did add three 500 mg. capsules of inositol to the above baggies, as I felt it this supplement belonged in them.

A few years ago, I discovered that an author that I had repeatedly read (Robert Erdmann) was right about histidine. This amino acid is one that is quite sleep helpful for me. I now place more importance on histidine for sleep for me than either GABA or glycine.

My current night baggie, and one that is very effective for me for sleep, contains the following:

1. Three or four 500 mg. or 600 mg. capsules of taurine.
2. Three or four 500 mg. capsules of tryptophan.
3. Three or four 500 mg. capsules of histidine.
4. One 100 mg. capsule of vitamin B complex.
5. Three 1,000 mg. capsules of vitamin C.
6. Three tablets of magnesium.

Sometimes I also add one tablet of a quality vitamin mineral preparation to my current night baggie as well. I do this because I never want to miss an opportunity to get more essential nutrition into my body.


If my experiences in regard to slowing my brain down or getting a good night’s sleep are any indication of the truth, it would be foolish for any person with similar problems to ignore what I have learned.

Using drugs to treat “functional nutrient deficiencies” is nuts! This is not being done because it is “the best science available”… it is being done for the money it makes those persons that are making and prescribing the drugs.

I may not be here to tell stories such as the above that much longer. This is due to the fact that it has become quite apparent to me that some portion of the pharmaceutical drug industry is aware that (1) “I have found the cure for bipolar disorder”, (2) “I have found the cure for schizophrenia”, and that (3) my knowledge in regard to how to properly treat a depressive state has been world leading for over a decade.

I turned 58 on September 17, 2010. Let’s hope I live to see 59.

Allen Darman

Four other blogs on inhibitory nutrients and/or sleep that are related to this one can be found at:

Two egroup posts on inhibitory nutrients written in 2003

Taurine and other inhibitory nutrients

An egroup post on using lithium vs. raising acetylcholine

An egroup post I wrote in 2005 on sleep


The Original Copy of this material is here>


Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)

Posted on August 24, 2011

Dear Friends:

This blog is being written for those that have not heard “the story of Willy” over his 8th to 12th grade years yet.

There are three versions of my son Willy Darman’s recovery story (and soon to be a fourth). One version was written in June 2006, one was written in August 2007, and one was written in June 2009.

June 2006:

August 2007:

The blog below has a before and after picture of Willy at 10.5 and 17.5 years of age.

June 2009:

For those persons that are not familiar with Willy Darman

My son Willy became an original discoverer of great healing truth when he was a thirteen year old child. Willy hit a home run for the entire world in the summer of 2004 when he insisted “Dad, just put everything together supplement-wise that helped you to get better, and I will take it all at once”. (Willy re-invented the decades old wisdom of a pioneer nutritionist named Adelle Davis when he said this.)

Willy worked hard on his recovery for years… putting forth effort in school, effort at home and in a health club lifting weights, and effort in regard to running. This hard work proved the validity of his simple yet profound discovery (of putting a wide range of nutritional and natural supplements together) in an anecdotal sense.

Willy taught the world a number of great lessons in regard to what health and health recovery is all about.

Willy proved that all essential nutrients matter, as far as one’s mental and physical health goes.

He proved that gut floral health matters.

He proved that avoidance of food allergens matters.

Willy proved that the simple measure of eating an apple or two can be an effective gut purge after ingesting some food allergens.

He proved that even a thirteen year old child can learn how to adequately correct malabsorption in himself.

He proved that one part of a supplement regime in order to heal should consist of the entire nutrient range taken all at once (assuming such is taken in an adequately complete and an adequately balanced fashion in which to do so).

Willy proved that even a thirteen year old child can effectively supplement himself (or herself) without any adult supervision other than guidance from afar. (I am a non-custodial father.)

Willy proved in a rather profound manner that drug-oriented medicine’s current chemical answer to either ADHD or bipolar disorder is absolutely nuts.

Most important of all, Willy proved to the world that even a thirteen year old child can understand most (if not all) of the fundamentals of the human body that are needed to be understood in order to be able to cure oneself.

In May 2010 Willy was asked “how long could he hold his breath underwater?”. He jumped in the pool to find out. He was underwater for five and a half minutes. From a weak sickly child all throughout his childhood Willy at nineteen years of age held his breath under water for five and a half minutes… on top of all of the other remarkable feats of strength or endurance he has accomplished.


Willy went from a weak sickly child throughout his childhood to “one in a million” his age and weight in regard to overall health, strength, and endurance. He overcame ADHD. And he overcame bipolar disorder. Willy did so despite the fact he ate what I consider a very mediocre and imperfect diet.

Willy is soon to begin his third year of college, and is doing very well.

Willy is proof by single anecdotal case that Willy’s Baggie, some gut biology correction, and some food allergy avoidance can have an absolutely profound effect on one’s mental and physical health.

The anecdotal case of Willy’s recovery (from an ADHD diagnosis, classic bipolar symptoms, and sickly childhood health) threatens the collapse of drug-oriented medicine. As many times as they have tried to kill me since January 2010, make no mistake about this.

Willy Darman’s Baggie of synergistic supplements is so broadly healing that it dooms Big Pharma. It dooms Big Pharma unless its bribery of FDA officials succeeds in taking numerous healing nutritional supplements away from the general public (as they are trying to do now).

Allen Darman


The gist of

Cambridge Who’s Who And A Synopsis Of My Situation (October 2010)


Notable Quotes by ADOGG

iWowWe is my video conferencing and video email platform because it can translate multi-lingually in real time, I think. ADOGG

I cannot imagine that the American Mafia would not be wise enough to join us. At this point, I am Operating Under the Assumptive Standpoint that the American Mafia and I Are Going To Be Great Friends Quite Soon. There is a Win-Win Fiscal Deal here between us for sure! Silicon Valley agrees with this, and Firmly>>> So Do I. ADOGG

It would behoove us all if Google, Facebook, WordPress, etc. (etc. are from Silicon Valley or Related) All Sent Representatives to NYC or nearby when the Mafia and I had had time to “Get Our Stories Straight”, and We Were Ready To Meet with You. We will Let You Know when this is. ADOGG

 The Best Solution For America To Change For the Better involves a Mutually Respectful Collaboration between Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American Public, and the American Mafia. ADOGG



SHARING IS CARING! I USE the SECTION BELOW to SHARE THIS BLOG with ALL of my Facebook and Google+ Friends should check this link out.

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Check it out> Google, Facebook, and a WordPress Website Development Team are making history it seems!

Patriot Movement

Internet Educational Course
Dirty Dozen Blog Set
Series One
Blog #7 of 12

Willy Darman’s Baggie Idea Dooms Big Pharma Unless>>> (8-24-2011)


This blog is being written for those that have not heard “the story of Willy” over his 8th to 12th grade years yet. ADOGG

The Hoax of Obamacare was foisted upon the American Public Fraudulently>>> And Primarily Because of What My Son Willy And I Had Discovered About Natural Healing. ObamaCare was “a law that what bought and paid for by Special Interests, and by Use of the Mafia to Judiciously Apply Force When Necessary.ADOGG

The Best Solution For America To Change For the Better involves a Mutually Respectful Collaboration between Silicon Valley, the Patriot Movement, the American Public, and the American Mafia. ADOGG

I cannot imagine that the American Mafia would not be wise enough to join us. At this point, I am Operating Under the Assumptive Standpoint that the American Mafia and I Are Going To Be Great Friends Quite Soon. There is a Win-Win Fiscal Deal here between us for sure! Silicon Valley agrees with this, and Firmly>>> So Do I. ADOGG

The Great Discovery Of Willy’s Baggie Was Almost Certainly Corrupted At Its Sources

For well over a year I have known that the co-discovery that my son Willy Darman and I made in 2004 and improved on later in regard to the tremendous therapeutic power of a wide range of nutritional supplements has almost certainly been corrupted via Mafia pressure being put on either Vitacost or Jomar Laboratories or both.

What my son and I co-discovered (Willy’s Baggie) had the power to not only topple a large portion of Big Pharma’s lies, it had the power to potentially topple the United States Government (which mandates using only a drug to diagnose, prevent, treat, and/or cure ALL diseases).

If I was fiscally able to order the ingredients of either Willy’s Original Baggie or Willy’s Baggie II today I am almost certain that “they would not work” the way that they did back in the 2004-2009 era.

The co-discovery of Willy’s Baggie that my son Willy and I made simply had to be stopped. (This was the Primary Reason behind all of the Mafia attempts since January 2010 to take my life.) was sold at some point. Who acquired it? Why was this very successful company sold? Was Big Pharma/Mafia pressure applied to the founder to sell? These are all very valid questions.

Jomar Laboratories ( is a fairly small company that sells Free Form Amino Acid Blends in Campbell CA… one that is certainly not big enough to stand up to outside pressure. I am almost certain that outside pressure by the Mafia on behalf of Big Pharma was applied to these folks. If not, I’d sure be surprised.


The discovery of Willy’s Baggie is almost certainly “now useless in regard to fomenting Justifiable Revolution in America”. Any Revolution in America that may or may not occur is going to have to rely on other issues, such as the Truth in regard to Corporate, New World Order Agenda and Mafia control of America, 9/11 Truth, etc.)

The Mafia would perhaps be wise to “switch sides” and help the Revolution in America vs. help the corrupt Corporate Structures that it does now. In my opinion, all of the past would be forgiven if such was the case… and being Good could be just as profitable as what the Mafia is supporting and doing now.

At some inevitable point in the foreseeable future the Internet is either going to be shut down, or fully or selectively Federally Controlled.

The clock is ticking.

Will the American Public Adequately Wake Up Before American Freedom Is Forever Lost To Corporate and NWO Agenda Control?

And will the Computer, Computer Software, and Internet Industry Become Brave Enough Soon Enough In Order to Actively and Collectively Intervene to help the American Public Adequately Wake Up before Internet Freedom And Freedom In General Is Forever Lost?

Allen Darman (with help from his heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team)